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"sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change" needed (once) since change in Debian Buster status #923

Closed superian closed 1 year ago

superian commented 1 year ago

Since the change in Buster's status, apt-get update does not get the Buster updates: the apt-secure setup notices that Buster is now 'oldstable' rather than 'stable', and doesn't want to do anything until the user has confirmed that's ok.

The panel you get when logging in as xbian via ssh has a small unscrollable text window, and much of the message saying why it's not working is not visible, so it's necessary to exit that and run sudo apt update manually to see why there haven't been any system updates recently.

Running sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change once makes it work again (at least until Buster changes status again!)

Having that happen should be part of an xbian package update.

mkreisl commented 1 year ago

One can be of two minds about this. Debian Buster has been replaced by Debian Bullseye almost 2 years ago and is no longer actively supported by XBian, i.e. there are no more updates of binary packages for a little over a year.

Having that happen should be part of an xbian package update.

Debian distribution upgrade from one version to the next is probably part of the XBian update philosophy. If you don't do it, it's probably the user's problem.

But anyway thanks for the hint

superian commented 1 year ago

Erm, given that users have been actively warned against using apt-get dist-upgrade themselves and I can't spot any suggestion to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file yourself..

.. what was supposed to have done the upgrade to Bullseye?

Was I supposed to have noticed XBian had changed base distribution - if it has - save XBian settings, download a new ISO and install that?

superian commented 1 year ago

Looking, the latest news on xbian.org is from 2019 saying "all new images are build with Debian Buster"!