Open oboote opened 4 years ago
Hey i know this issue or feature request is 4 years old but i found something similar to this and thought maybe this could help. Its an HTML5 video player that syncronizes its playback with Kodi but its really old and i was hoping to get this working someday in the future but sadly, i don't know javascript. Anyway i hope this helps and i hope we could have this feature someday.
Thank you
Hey, sorry for bothering again but i forgot to show this video as well of what shadowPlayer did when it streams a video on Kodi. Hope this video helps a bit.
I would love to be able to support everyone's wishes but I am really just maintaining this at its current level, if you can work with another developer, submit a pull request with the needed changes!
Bit of a random feature but I think it could be quite cool :)
Basically we often have something playing on Kodi and I find myself wishing I could watch the same video on a separate device, a laptop or tablet, whilst doing something in office and/or kitchen.
Currently this can be achieved by popping up the web browser stream and carefully seeking to the position indicated on the Chorus2 currently playing seek bar.
It's works nicely but a "sync with currently playing" button and/or feature (ie. stay in sync; auto-pause/play with kodi, etc.) would make it quite nifty.
Ultimately being able to "Stream video currently playing" directly from the webUI home screen would be the holy grail ^^
I've found the API Lab and will play around with it and see if I can find how to get this working myself but figured I'd post in case someone else felt inspired :)