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Kodi crashes after start when updating library on start is activated #144

Closed jfwerner closed 2 years ago

jfwerner commented 2 years ago

When I open Kodi 19.4 on Windows 10, it starts to scan the folders, but after a few seconds. crashes.

KarellenX commented 2 years ago


Please ask your question on the forum. Github is for bug reporting, not general help. Your issue will most likely be a problem local to your setup.

jfwerner commented 2 years ago


No, only happens when using this add-on. Non-python version works fine. I can provide dumps/logs if you want

KarellenX commented 2 years ago

Yes, provide the debug log and I will have a look. Make sure the log captures the crashing. Though a lot of the times the crashing occurs too quickly for the actual cause to be logged, but we might get lucky.

jfwerner commented 2 years ago


As you probably guessed the "on start" part of my report is irrelevant. It happens on a manual library update as well.

I am not that familiar with the logs, though it doesn't look like much. Maybe the (windows?) crashlog from the same folder will help you, "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access."

Kodi.zip kodi.log

zipped bc github won't take the .dmp files

KarellenX commented 2 years ago

As you probably guessed the "on start" part of my report is irrelevant. It happens on a manual library update as well.

It is relevant as we can glean a whole lot from it. Hardware, os versions, audio and graphic drivers, addons installed.

Please include the full log and post it to https://paste.kodi.tv/ and provide the link.

jfwerner commented 2 years ago

Yes. Does my file not include that? I restarted Kodi after turning the logger on, it also says "2022-04-27 19:50:59.568 T:13700 INFO : Starting Kodi (19.4 (19.4.0) Git:20220302-e12e66e019). Platform: Windows NT x86 64-bit" on the 2nd line so it doesn't look like it missed it.

jfwerner commented 2 years ago

I can post it again in a different form if you want... https://paste.kodi.tv/oyoposopeq.kodi

KarellenX commented 2 years ago

Got it. I don't know about your other logs, I didn't look at them. I avoid downloading files as it is too much hassle- download, unzip virus check, open, then delete. Try doing that 30+ times per day. Too much work, when I can click on a simple link and stay safe.

Nothing revealing in the logs. But this is where support stops. I am not going look into it further here. Please ask your question on the forum and we can continue there.


jfwerner commented 2 years ago

It is not a question lol, I wasn't asking for "support". The non python version works just fine, so I don't really care. Good luck fixing your code. If you want people to file bugs properly, post up some guidelines.

KarellenX commented 2 years ago

We judge the reports individually, that is our guideline. Most times the real bugs jump out and are easily discerned. Others we rely on trends. Your report fits neither.

I know this is not a bug because there are millions of users using this scraper, including me and most of the other Kodi team members, and you are the only one reporting this error. It is something in your setup, which I was quite happy to try and delve into deeper on the forum.

At this stage there is nothing to "fix".

But your log is here and if the addon developer spots something he will chime in.
