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[FEATURE] sorttitle support #70

Closed JimmyS83 closed 3 years ago

JimmyS83 commented 3 years ago


Would be very nice to have sorttitle support. Use case:

Due Kodi's inability to sort list according original title, only "workaround" is use sorttitle, which could be set up to originaltitle or title, depending on user's scraper setup.

Are you OK with adding option to choose, which title will be used for sorting by sorttitle? In case, that "Keep original name" would be disabled (ie. scraper scraps and keep both titles), that option would be active and let user choose, which title use to sort list (when using SortByTitle on list).

JimmyS83 commented 3 years ago

I will create PR with sortbyOriginalTitle to the Kodi. This would hopefully solve this without any changes to scrapers..

JimmyS83 commented 3 years ago

