xbmc / repo-skins

Official source repository for Kodi skin add-ons
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skin.copacetic 1.0.1 #395

Closed realcopacetic closed 1 year ago

realcopacetic commented 1 year ago

Fix for fontset issue preventing people from switching to the skin, thanks to @beatmasterRS for the fix.


Apologies for submitting a new pull request so quickly. Apparently there was an issue flagged on the forum just before it went down preventing some users from switching to the skin which @beatmasterRS was able to fix here.

I didn't see this until after I had submitted my initial pull request.


Additional information :

ronie commented 1 year ago

no problem, will merge this right away.

gade01 commented 1 year ago

@realcopacetic Would you like the skin added to Weblate for translation?

For that we require the following info:

You also need to add this webhook to your repo: https://kodi.weblate.cloud/hooks/github

alt text

realcopacetic commented 1 year ago

Hi @gade01 Thanks for reaching out. I just have a couple of questions, apologies if these are very basic, I'm quite far out of my technical comfort zone at this point :)

Right now the skin exists in three places: a) It's own repository, which currently just has one development master branch. https://github.com/realcopacetic/skin.copacetic

b) My repo, which I set up to enable people to install and update easier during development, and also contains the dependent addons I've also submitted to Kodi. It is a git submodule here that I can update remotely when I want to push an update to the main repo. https://github.com/realcopacetic/realcopacetic.github.io

c) And then the xbmc/repo-skin repository.

I'm assuming weblate would be linked to skin.copacetic repository directly, then I can push updates to my realcopacetic repo (for ongoing beta testing of new changes) and submit a pull request to xbmc/repo-skins from time to time for more stable updates (not too frequent), should this be the correct flow?

If so: 1) I was thinking I only need my master branch while I'm just working on Nexus version, then I'll need to make multiple branches once I start work on Omega. How does it work with Weblate as different branches begin to diverge, if for example I needed seperate translations for Omega. Do I just keep it on my master branch?

2) When you say version bump in addon.xml, do you mean that this would be provided as part of the pull request if someone submitted some localisations on Weblate? With my current flow, I only really change the addon.xml when I want to update in either my realcopacetic repo or now in the xbmc repo, so I don't think I need that.


gade01 commented 1 year ago

@realcopacetic You are absolutely correct. Weblate will be hooked up to https://github.com/realcopacetic/skin.copacetic master branch and do PR's or direct pushes (whichever you prefer) for that repo.

Weblate will be hooked up to the newest branch, or whichever you prefer (but only 1). You can backport translations between branches.

For skin.rapier and skin tetradui I always keep all strings for 3 branches (right now they are Nexus, Matrix and Leia). I mark in the en_gb file which translation is for which branch, but the file itself is exactly the same between the 3 branches: https://github.com/gade01/Rapier/blob/master/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po#L197 This way it's easy to copy all translations from master branch to the other two branches.

It's up to you if you would like a version bump and/or changelog entry or not. It's done by a workflow I will PR to your repo if needed. That action is triggered when new translations are merged.

realcopacetic commented 1 year ago

Thanks @gade01.

In that case:

Thanks I'll add that webhook now

gade01 commented 1 year ago

Sounds great. I started adding the skin to Weblate. You have a couple of errors in en_gb file: https://github.com/realcopacetic/skin.copacetic/blob/master/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po#L785 https://github.com/realcopacetic/skin.copacetic/blob/master/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po#L790 msgstr " needs to be changed to msgstr ""

More info and guides here: https://kodi.wiki/view/Translating_add-ons#Best_practices

realcopacetic commented 1 year ago

Apologies @gade01, I updated the master branch on skin.copacetic repository to fix those two typos.

gade01 commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot and no problem at all. One more typo in https://github.com/realcopacetic/skin.copacetic/blob/master/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po#L976 Missing " at the end of the line.

realcopacetic commented 1 year ago

Ahhh, sorry for wasting your time! Ok that's fixed now @gade01

gade01 commented 1 year ago

No problem at all, thanks. I will start adding everything now. Let's continue in the new PR's at your repo, so we don't spam this PR ;)