xbmc / skin.confluence

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Showing after default set: Press 'Up' to set this item as default #237

Closed bossanova808 closed 6 months ago

bossanova808 commented 6 months ago


I might be wrong, as I am new to this feature and am just beginning to merge all of your great work into my locally tweaked version of Confluence (just up to Nexus for now) -> but I think this Boolean is opposite to what it should be - this message should only show if the value is empty, right? If a default has been set, we don't want this message to be popping up all the time right?

bossanova808 commented 6 months ago

...although I note changing as per above to remove the ! , that indeed stops the message from popping up, but it also breaks navigation from the Home item (Movies, TV shows etc) - up to the Recently Added posters...

Hitcher commented 6 months ago

See the onload condition:

<onload condition="String.IsEmpty(Skin.String(DefaultHomeFocusItem))">SetProperty(SetDefaultHomeItem,1,home)</onload>

If there isn't a default item set DefaultHomeFocusItem then SetDefaultHomeItem becomes 1 so we show the message.

bossanova808 commented 6 months ago

Yep but I am seeing the message still, even when a default is set (tested with vanilla Confluence 4.8.0)

bossanova808 commented 6 months ago

(I doubr it matters here but I am using profiles and definitely seeing the message when something is set and I log in).

Hitcher commented 6 months ago

Is it the same with the latest fixes?


bossanova808 commented 6 months ago

Yes I have all those commits in, have checked (and have restored the !)

Here you can see that a default is definitely set, then I go back to the main screen, but the message is there. I hit up, and only then it goes away...


(same thing with Vanilla Confluence Nexus with all those changes - should be easy to replicate I think?)

MikeSiLVO commented 6 months ago

I could not replicate, tried with a test profile also.

Does your modified Home.xml line 4 match the current one? Based on what you mentioned my guess would be the condition for that onload is the reason.

bossanova808 commented 6 months ago

Yep, checked with a diff tool to be 100% sure. Very interesting you can't replicate...gives me a clue.

More testing - I have three profiles - a Master Settings (essentially unused, but I've found issues with profiles if I don't have all the actual used profiles on the same 'level' so to speak) - so two more 'sub-profiles' that are the actual ones used: Adults and Kids.

First, I confirmed in the settings.xml for Confluence for Adults and Kids that there was a value for DefaultHomeFocusItem - i.e. TV SHOWS. Confirmed there was no value (yet) for the Master Profile in its own settings.xml.

I went in to the Master Settings profile and hit up on TV shows when prompted in there, confirmed the value appread in the settings area, visually, and then also confirmed in the settings.xml for the skin in the Master profile.

...and now, in the other profiles, I am not seeing the message.

So, looks to be a classic bug related to Profiles use. I confirmed this behaviour across two installs (Win test-bed, CoreElec daily driver) - behaviour same with both, i.e. (only) setting the value in the Master profile fixes things. Once done, no message, and you can set separate values for the other profiles. It's like the value for Master is the one checked, but the value for the sub profiles is the one used...

For context, this is precisely why I have this kind of odd approach:


Adults Kids

(Adults and Kids are physically store inside the profiles folder of Master as is the default for new profiles).

I set this up years ago when having odd issues with audio settings from one profile affecting the other. Only way I could keep them separate was like this - before that the 'Master' was Adults and there was just the Kids sub profile.

Anyway - this probably won't affect many others and I guess it's not really a skin bug, unless there's a more profile specific way of checking that value??

bossanova808 commented 6 months ago

(NB all this tested with vanilla Confluence Nexus up to the latest commits, not my own edited version)

jodo234 commented 6 months ago

I experience the same since a couple of days. After a system reboot of osmc I get this message to show up, I can then press up for any item to set as default, but once I reboot, it seems to reset. I do not use profiles, only the default.

MikeSiLVO commented 6 months ago

Confirmed if I add a second profile and clear the DefaultHomeFocusItem from master. I then get the same result as you. Definitely seems like a profiles bug but that is way above my pay grade.

bossanova808 commented 6 months ago

@jodo234 You'll be using the released 4.8.0 rather than this updated but not yet released I think?

Can you try the changes here? If not best to wait and re-confirm your issue after that is out.

@MikeSiLVO Thanks for confirming, good to know it's not just me. Those profile things are hard to pin down!

Hitcher commented 6 months ago

This definitely sounds like it's beyond the scope of a skin and more the way profiles are handled.

NOTE: It does get reset whenever the user hides a home item to insure the correct item gets focused.

bossanova808 commented 6 months ago

Ok am going to close this. Am sure if there are further issues to be dealt with they will pop up in due course.

Thanks for the attention.