xboot / libonnx

A lightweight, portable pure C99 onnx inference engine for embedded devices with hardware acceleration support.
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Failed to load 'yolov5n.onnx'. #23

Open miaowrx opened 2 years ago

miaowrx commented 2 years ago

hi, I try to load 'yolov5n.onnx' like this:

#include "onnx.h"

int main(void)
    struct onnx_context_t *sess = onnx_context_alloc_from_file("yolov5n.onnx", NULL, 0);
    onnx_context_dump(sess, 1);
    return 0;

but nothing was output, including warnings and errors.

beru commented 2 years ago

I'm having similar issue with different model (in my case, the model is yolov3-tiny.onnx) .

I added ONNX_LOG calls to the onnx_graph_alloc function for debugging.

            resolver_solve_operator(&resolver_default, n);
                n->r = &resolver_default;
                n->rctx = NULL;
                ONNX_LOG("n->proto->op_type : %s\r\n", n->proto->op_type);
                ONNX_LOG("n->proto->name : %s\r\n", n->proto->name);
                ONNX_LOG("n->opset : %d\r\n", n->opset);
                ONNX_LOG("n->inputs[0]->type : %d\r\n", n->inputs[0]->type);
            n->reshape = reshape_dummy;
        if(!n->operator) {
            n->operator = operator_dummy;
            if(n->init(n) <= 0)
                ONNX_LOG("n->init failed\r\n");
                ONNX_LOG("i : %d\r\n", i);
                ONNX_LOG("n->proto->op_type : %s\r\n", n->proto->op_type);
                ONNX_LOG("n->proto->name : %s\r\n", n->proto->name);

There're a few things I have noticed.

lzlwakeup commented 1 year ago

I have same issue with Segmentation fault (core dumped). model in https://github.com/Linzaer/Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB xxd convert onnx model to .h file, load model err in onnx_graph_alloc() in onnx.c line 1171, model g->nlen = 242, but run end 82, and Segmentation fault.