xc0ffeelabs / taxicab

Redesign TaxiCab app using Parse backend
3 stars 1 forks source link

Ready for review #1

Open nayankk opened 8 years ago

nayankk commented 8 years ago

Our Sprint 1 progress is now ready for review. /cc @codepathreview @codepath

codepathreview commented 8 years ago

:+1: Nice work creating wire-frames and implementing few stories for sprint 1, but the implementation seems far behind where it should have been by now. Few notes to mention:

The implementation seems to be lagging behind on current timelines. Please take notes of these points and improve upon the same in the next sprint. Look forward to the rest of the functionality and improvement on the core flows by the end of the Sprint 2 so you can have enough time to add UI polish and advanced nice-to-have features later on. It is those little extra things you do that make everything feel more polished and desirable to use.

nayankk commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot for such detailed review, much appreciated.

Regarding creation of tasks, we're using Trello project management tool for user story break-down or task/sub-task management. Before we started the development, we sat together and derived a handful of user stories from wireframes, then broke them to sub-tasks. All our user stories can be found in our Trello agile dashboard here. As we are using free version of Trello, it doesn't allow to share the board publicly. However you can still view this dashboard by adding yourself as member via this link. Please let us know if you are with this project management setup or expect us to move our tasks as github tickets.

Regarding the work-load, there are 3 repositories that we are contributing to - Taxi Cab User app, Taxi Cab driver app, Taxi cab backend. Contribution link you mentioned might not be accurate as it just tracks the commits made in user app. Currently, I'm working on the user app and partially on driver app, while Srikanth is working on the taxi back end implementation and also on driver app. We hope to switch roles in future.

Regarding the progress, yes, we are lagging behind. (We switched our project, thus lost close a week initially). However, we are hopeful to have all required user stories by the end of this sprint before Wednesday.

Thanks again.

@codepathreview @codepath