xcatliu / mazimd

码字 md • 干净精致的 Markdown 编辑器
121 stars 19 forks source link

表格内的code block中,出现管道符“|”,导致渲染异常 #1

Open Shazoo opened 7 years ago

Shazoo commented 7 years ago



Key Action
Ctrl+a c new window
Ctrl+a n next window
Ctrl+a p previous window
Ctrl+a “ select window from list
Ctrl+a Ctrl+a previous window viewed
Ctrl+a S split terminal horizontally into regions
Ctrl+a | split terminal vertically into regions
Ctrl+a :resize resize region
Ctrl+a :fit fit screen size to new terminal size
Ctrl+a :remove remove region
Ctrl+a tab Move to next region
Ctrl+a d detach screen from terminal
Ctrl+a A set window title
Ctrl+a x lock session
Ctrl+a [ enter scrollback/copy mode
Ctrl+a ] paste buffer
Ctrl+a > write paste buffer to file
Ctrl+a < read paste buffer from file
Ctrl+a ? show key bindings/command names
Ctrl+a : goto screen command prompt
xcatliu commented 7 years ago

@Shazoo 可能是 marked 的问题,我看了下,已经有 issue 了 https://github.com/chjj/marked/issues/831

Shazoo commented 7 years ago

<code>Ctrl+a &#124;</code>
