xcatliu / react-ie8

Make your React app work in IE8
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Script 5007 - Unable to get Value of the property 'location': object is null or undefined #29

Closed hibearpanda closed 7 years ago

hibearpanda commented 8 years ago

Currently trying to fix this react rendering issue in ie8 and ie9

It keeps bouncing this error, but the line it refers to (Line 108, Character 3) is just ReactDom.Render:

screenshot 2016-05-26 18 21 49

Do you have any suggestions on how to fix? Appreciate any advice you can give. Thank you!

xcatliu commented 8 years ago

Sorry I can't find any useful message according to the code above.

What is the error message? React has a good error reporting system, maybe we can find some clues from it.

Or you can submit a minimum version of your source code. And please write a step-by-step guide for how to reproduce the bug. It's better if I (or somebody) can repro the bug on my own machine

xcatliu commented 8 years ago

Sorry I missed the title of this issue.

xcatliu commented 8 years ago

According to the error message

Unable to get Value of the property 'location': object is null or undefined

Something like xxx.location.yyy was being referenced but xxx.location was undefined, I guess you are using react-router and might have some trouble with the browserHistory API.

Can you submit a minimum version of your source code? And please write a step-by-step guide for how to reproduce the bug. It's better if I (or somebody) can repro the bug on my own machine.

hibearpanda commented 8 years ago

Yea, we think it is related to browserHistory as well. I'll see what I can do.