xcd0 / easygpt

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Claude3 Haiku対応 #3

Open xcd0 opened 6 months ago

xcd0 commented 6 months ago


All Claude 3 models support vision and 200,000 token context windows.


xcd0 commented 6 months ago





ret=$(curl -s https://api.anthropic.com/v1/messages \
    --header "content-type: application/json" \
    --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
    --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" \
    --data \
    "model": "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
    "messages": [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "自己紹介してください。"
    "max_tokens": 256,
    "stream": false
echo $ret | jq -r ".content[0].text"


xcd0 commented 6 months ago


contents=$( cat <<-EOF
In the heart of an ancient forest, veiled by the whispers of leaves and the songs of hidden streams, stood a cottage forgotten by time. Its wooden walls, cloaked in ivy and moss, held stories of a bygone era, and within, an old clock ticked away the seconds, each tick a gentle reminder of life's fleeting dance.

Eleanor, a young woman with eyes as deep and mysterious as the forest itself, called this place home. Her days were spent wandering the shadowed paths, where light and darkness played in eternal balance, and her nights under the canopy of stars, her thoughts as boundless as the night sky.

One crisp autumn morning, as golden leaves danced in the gentle breeze, Eleanor stumbled upon a peculiar stone, half-buried beneath the earth. It was unlike any she had seen before, shimmering with an inner light that seemed to pulse in rhythm with her own heart. Curiosity alight, she unearthed the stone, its warmth spreading through her fingers, a feeling of unspoken connection weaving its way into her soul.

Days turned to weeks, and Eleanor found herself drawn to the stone's mysterious allure. She would often sit by the fire, the stone cradled in her hands, and whisper to it tales of her solitary life, her voice a soft melody in the quiet of the cottage.

Then, on a night when the moon hung full and bright, casting silvery shadows through the forest, a change stirred in the air. The stone, once warm and comforting, now throbbed with a fierce energy, its light growing, pulsing faster, as if echoing a heartbeat.

Compelled by a force she could not understand, Eleanor ventured into the forest, guided by the stone's radiant glow. The trees, ancient guardians of the forest, seemed to part before her, leading her to a clearing she had never seen before, where the moonlight bathed the earth in a ethereal glow.

In the center of the clearing stood an old, gnarled tree, its branches reaching towards the heavens. And there, at its base, was a hollow, within which the stone fit perfectly. As Eleanor placed the stone into the hollow, a surge of light erupted, enveloping her, the tree, the entire clearing in a brilliant luminescence.

When the light receded, Eleanor found herself not in the forest, but in a realm beyond her wildest dreams. A place where the sky shimmered with colors she had no names for, where the air was alive with the magic of possibility.

And so, Eleanor realized, the stone was not merely a stone, but a key$2014a key to a doorway between worlds, a bridge across the realms of imagination. With a heart full of wonder, she stepped forward into the unknown, her story no longer bound by the walls of the cottage or the edges of the forest, but open to the endless horizons of new worlds.

echo '{
    "model": "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
    "system" : "You are a translater. Translate the following into Japanese. Respond only in Japanese.",
    "messages": [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "'$contents'"
    "max_tokens": 1024,
    "stream": false
}' | jq .

echo $json | jq .

ret=$(curl -s https://api.anthropic.com/v1/messages \
    --header "content-type: application/json" \
    --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
    --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" \
    --data "$json"

echo $ret | jq -r ".content[0].text"

古代の森の中心に、葉のささやきと隠された小川の歌に包まれた、時の流れに忘れられた小さな小屋がありました。その木の壁は、蔦やコケに覆われ、過去の物語を秘めていました。そこには古時計が秒針を刻み、はかない人生の優しい合図を響かせていました。 エレノアという名の若い女性が、この場所を居心地の良い家としていました。彼女は、光と闇のバランスが織りなす影の中を歩き、星空の下での思索に夜を過ごしていました。 ある秋の朝、金色の葉が優しい風に舞う中で、エレノアは地面に半ば埋もれた奇妙な石を見つけました。その石は、自身の心臓の鼓動に呼応するかのように輝いていました。 好奇心に駆られたエレノアは、その石を掘り起こしました。その温かな感触は、彼女の魂に奥深い繋がりを感じさせました。日々が過ぎ、エレノアはその石の不思議な魅力に引き寄せられ続けていきました。 ある満月の夜、石が激しいエネルギーを放ち始めると、エレノアは石の光に導かれるように森の奥へと向かいました。そして、そこで出会った古木の中心に石が嵌まり、光に包まれていきました。 光が消えると、エレノアは自分が未知の領域に立っているのを発見しました。空が奇妙な色彩に輝き、空気が可能性の魔法に満ちていました。そして、エレノアは、その石が異世界への扉の鍵であることを悟ったのです。 好奇心に満ちた心を抱えながら、エレノアは未知への一歩を踏み出していきました。もはや小屋の壁や森の縁に縛られることなく、新しい世界への無限の可能性が広がっていくのでした。











xcd0 commented 6 months ago
# curlとjqが必要。
# https://console.anthropic.com/ からAPIキーを取得して下記に張り付ける。

# システム指示
system=$( cat <<-EOF
You are an advanced language model trained with the Chain of Thoughts (CoT) methodology, enabling you to effectively process complex reasoning. Your task is to translate the following text into Japanese, adhering to the specified guidelines. Summaries are not permitted. You must carefully interpret the meaning of each word and phrase to ensure an accurate translation. Your response must be exclusively in polite Japanese(丁寧語). The response should consist solely of the translation, without any additional comments or questions.
# 和訳対象テキスト
contents=$( cat <<-EOF
In the soft twilight, the quaint village rested beneath a velvet sky, stars twinkling like distant lanterns. Old Mr. Wilkins, the watchmaker, closed his shop, the last light extinguishing on the cobblestone street. Nearby, a mysterious cat with emerald eyes prowled silently, weaving through shadows as if guarding ancient secrets. In the heart of the village, a gentle breeze whispered through the leaves of the old oak tree, carrying tales of yesteryears. Unseen, a new story began to unfold, as delicate and intricate as the gears in Mr. Wilkins' finest timepiece, waiting for the right moment to come alive under the moon's watchful gaze.

echo '{
    "model": "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
    "system": "'$system'",
    "messages": [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "'$contents'"
    "max_tokens": 1024,
    "stream": false
}' | jq .

echo $json | jq .

ret=$(curl -s https://api.anthropic.com/v1/messages \
    --header "content-type: application/json" \
    --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
    --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" \
    --data "$json"

echo $ret | jq -r ".content[0].text" | tee tmp.txt
xcd0 commented 6 months ago

端折る傾向にあるので丁寧なプロンプトエンジニアリングが必要な印象。 You are an advanced language model trained with the Chain of Thoughts (CoT) methodology, enabling you to effectively process complex reasoning. Your task is to translate the following text into Japanese, adhering to the specified guidelines. Summaries are not permitted. You must carefully interpret the meaning of each word and phrase to ensure an accurate translation. Your response must be exclusively in polite Japanese(丁寧語). The response should consist solely of the translation, without any additional comments or questions.

In the soft twilight, the quaint village rested beneath a velvet sky, stars twinkling like distant lanterns. Old Mr. Wilkins, the watchmaker, closed his shop, the last light extinguishing on the cobblestone street. Nearby, a mysterious cat with emerald eyes prowled silently, weaving through shadows as if guarding ancient secrets. In the heart of the village, a gentle breeze whispered through the leaves of the old oak tree, carrying tales of yesteryears. Unseen, a new story began to unfold, as delicate and intricate as the gears in Mr. Wilkins' finest timepiece, waiting for the right moment to come alive under the moon's watchful gaze.


xcd0 commented 6 months ago
# curlとjqが必要。
# https://console.anthropic.com/ からAPIキーを取得して下記に張り付ける。

# システム指示
system=$( cat <<-EOF
You are a highly advanced AI language model with exceptional natural language processing and translation abilities. Your task is to translate the provided text into fluent, natural Japanese. In your translation, ensure that you capture the nuances, context, and overall tone of the original text. Throughout your translation, use polite Japanese (丁寧語) like ですます.
# 和訳対象文
contents=$( cat <<-EOF
Silver streams of moonlight shimmered on the still, silent lake. Sarah stood solemnly on the shore, a single tear sliding slowly down her cheek. Soft whispers of wind wafted through the willows, as if consoling her aching heart.

Years ago, on a night much like this, she had said her final farewell to Sam. Sorrow surged, yet sweet memories soothed her soul. She closed her eyes, recalling his radiant smile, his tender touch. Though time trudged on, their timeless love lingered.

A falling star streaked the sky - a sign, she sensed. Someday, somehow, they would be together once more.

system=$(echo $system | sed 's;";\\";g')


echo '{
    "model": "'$model'",
    "system": "'$system'",
    "messages": [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "'$contents'"
    "max_tokens": 1024,
    "stream": false
}' | jq .

ret=$(curl -s https://api.anthropic.com/v1/messages \
    --header "content-type: application/json" \
    --header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
    --header "x-api-key: $ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" \
    --data "$json"

if [ -n "$(echo $ret | jq -r ".content[0].text")" ]; then
    echo $ret | jq -r ".content[0].text" | tee tmp.txt
    echo $json | jq .
    echo $ret