md110[CodePlex] hi
I am using the CheckComboBox ver 2.0.0 in my wpf mvvm project
but I seem unable to bind the selecteditems. when Bind selecteditems to a property in wpf exception errror
SelectedItems=quot{Binding SelectedItemAccountUnitGroup }
'SelectedItems' property is read-only and cannot be set from markup. Line
how to save All checked items CheckComboBox to database?
i am using EF code First And Mvvm
but only one checked item CheckComboBox save to database
this is my code
binding in wpf window:
ltxceedtoolkit:CheckComboBox Grid.Row=quot2quot Grid.Column=quot3quot Name=quotxccedcheckquot
ItemsSource=quot{Binding AccountUnitGroupList }quot
SelectedValue=quot{Binding AccountUnitData.AccUnitGroupID}quot
SelectedMemberPath=quot{Binding SelectedItemAccountUnitGroup, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}quot
public AccountUnitGroup SelectedItemAccountUnitGroup // this field for binding to SelectedItem or SelectedItems
get { return _selectedItemAccountUnitGroup; }
if (_selectedItemAccountUnitGroup != value)
_selectedItemAccountUnitGroup = value;
hi I am using the CheckComboBox ver 2.0.0 in my wpf mvvm project but I seem unable to bind the selecteditems. when Bind selecteditems to a property in wpf exception errror SelectedItems=quot{Binding SelectedItemAccountUnitGroup } error: 'SelectedItems' property is read-only and cannot be set from markup. Line
how to save All checked items CheckComboBox to database?
i am using EF code First And Mvvm
but only one checked item CheckComboBox save to database
this is my code binding in wpf window: ltxceedtoolkit:CheckComboBox Grid.Row=quot2quot Grid.Column=quot3quot Name=quotxccedcheckquot ItemsSource=quot{Binding AccountUnitGroupList }quot DisplayMemberPath=quotAccUnitGroupNamequot ValueMemberPath=quotAccUnitGroupIDquot SelectedValue=quot{Binding AccountUnitData.AccUnitGroupID}quot SelectedMemberPath=quot{Binding SelectedItemAccountUnitGroup, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}quot
i am using SelectedValue=quot{Binding AccountUnitData.AccUnitGroupID}quot
to save to database but this metod only one checked item save
viewmodel: public AccountUnit AccountUnitData { get; set; } //this field for new Instance of my model in view model
public ObservableCollectionltAccountUnitGroupgt AccountUnitGroupList { get; set; }//this list load mylist to CheckComboBox
private AccountUnitGroup _selectedItemAccountUnitGroup;
please help me by sample with mvvm