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simulation and reconstruction package
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Issue with Helical Reconstruction Geometry Parameters in Openrecon #78

Open MshGhazale opened 1 month ago

MshGhazale commented 1 month ago


I'm working on helical reconstruction using Openrecon and trying to match the reconstruction geometry parameters to those provided in Leap. Here is my code:

SO = 110;          % The distance from source to object (cm)
DO = 30;           % The distance from detector to object center(cm)
YL = 512;          % Detector cell number along the horizontal direction of detector array
YLC= (YL-1)*0.5;   % Detector center along the horizontal direction of detector array
ZL = 128;          % Detector cell number along the vertical direction of detector array
ZLC= (ZL-1)*0.5;   % Detector center along the vertical direction of detector array
DecAngle = 0.2388; % Detector array fan beam angle along the horizontal direction (rad)0.2388
DecHeigh = 8.32;   % Detector array height along the vertical direction (cm)
N_Turn   = 10;     % The number of turns for the whole helical scan 
N_2pi    = 720;    % The projections/views number for each turn of scan
h        = 1;      % Helical pitch related to detector height
%The following line 25-28 are used to define the reconstruction paramters
WtInd    = 3;      %1:Redundancy weighting; 2:2D weigthing; 3: 3D weighting 
k1       = 5;      % The order to define the 3D weighting function
delta    = 60;     % The range to define smoothness of 2D weigthing function 
HSCoef   = 0.6;    % This is used to define the half-scan range              

ObjR  = 13.7;      % Diameter of imaginh object or radius of FOV
SSO   = 512 ;     % Define the size of the reconstructed image
XN    = SSO;
YN    = SSO;
ZN    = SSO;
XC    = (XN-1)*0.5;
YC    = (YN-1)*0.5;
ZC    = (ZN-1)*0.5;
BetaS = -N_Turn*pi;
BetaE =  N_Turn*pi;
ViewN =  N_Turn*N_2pi;

DecWidth = tan(DecAngle*0.5)*(SO+DO)*2;
dYL   =  DecWidth/YL;
dZL   =  DecHeigh/ZL;
ScanGeom = struct( 'ScDet',  [SO DO YL ZL DecAngle DecHeigh YLC ZLC h],  ...
                   'Proj',   [BetaS BetaE ViewN N_2pi], ...
                   'Obj',    [ObjR XN YN ZN XC YC ZC], ...
                   'Rec',    [delta HSCoef k1]);            
% Generating projections or load the projections
disp('Generating the cone beam projections');
dataStruct = load('LEAP_PROJECTION.mat');% B: Spectrum of x-ray source
images = dataStruct.nifti_data;
swapped_data_array = permute(images, [1, 3, 2]);

% Rebinning conebeam to parallel beam 
disp('Paralllel rebinning from the conebeam projections');
Proj = Parallel_Rebinning_CB_Curve(Proj,ScanGeom);


%Perform Ramp filtering
disp('Filtering the cone beam projection');
n = -YL:YL;
NN = 2^ceil(log(YL*3)/log(2));
HS = zeros(1,NN);
HS(1:YL+1)= hsl(YL+1:2*YL+1);
FtS = fft(HS);
fpwd = zeros(size(Proj));
for i=1:ViewN
    for k=1:ZL
     FtP = fft(Proj(i,:,k),NN);
     tep = ifft(FtS.*FtP);
     fpwd(i,:,k) = real(tep(1:YL)); 
save leap_sinogram_ramp_zeropad.mat fpwd;

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Backproject the filtered data into the 3D space
ScanGeom.ScDet(5) = DecWidth;
disp('BackProjection the filtered projection');
ctimage = zeros(XN,YN,ZN);
    case 1 %1/2 redundancy weigthing
        save RecResNoW ctimage;
    case 2 % 2D weighting
        save RecRes2DW ctimage;
    case 3 %3D weighting
        save RecRes3DW ctimage;
    otherwise %1/2 redundancy weigthing
        save RecResNoW ctimage;

volumeViewer(ctimage); % or volshow(ctimage);

% Calculate and display elapsed time
time = cputime - time;
disp(['Elapsed time: ', num2str(time), ' seconds']);

% Define the output folder
output_folder = 'ct_images_leap1';
if ~exist(output_folder, 'dir')

processed_images = zeros(512, 512);

% Save each slice as a PNG image
for z = 1:ZN
    slice = ctimage(:, :, z);
    max_ = max(slice(:));
    min_ = min(slice(:));
    slice = (slice - min_) / (max_ - min_);

    filename = fullfile(output_folder, sprintf('slice_%03d.png', z));
    imwrite(slice, filename);

I used the geometry from Leap and set the values from this script However, my reconstruction results do not match my expectations. Here is what I get:

Slice 001: slice_001

Slice 082: slice_082

Slice 227: slice_227

I was expecting a more accurate reconstruction. Could you please help me identify what might be going wrong?Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Best regards,

zhangjy-ge commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately I am not familiar with Leap or OpenRecon thus I cannot provide you a definitive answer, but considering the similarity of recon code, it might be helpful for you to check this file: https://github.com/xcist/main/blob/master/gecatsim/reconstruction/pyfiles/mapConfigVariablesToHelical.py, which maps some parameters in xcist simulator to recon code (probably will be the same as in openrecon).

One thing I noticed is your script does not include column offset, which you should correct if non-zero value was set.