xclud / web3dart

Ethereum library, written in Dart.
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RangeError: Value not in range: 32 #46

Open YannMarti opened 2 years ago

YannMarti commented 2 years ago

When I call the balanceOf function of a ERC-20 contract i get the Error 'RangeError: Value not in range: 32'. After some debug fun it seems that there is some kind of problem with decoding the return value of the call, but am not entierly sure why there is a problem. Here is the code im working with:

`ethereumTokenBalance(String contractAddress) async { var httpClient = Client(); Web3Client client = Web3Client(global.publicRpcEthereumMainNet, httpClient); var contract = await ContractParser.fromAssets('abi.json', contractAddress); var function = contract.function('balanceOf'); var balance = await client.call( contract: contract, function: function, params: [EthereumAddress.fromHex(global.ownAddress)]);

return balance; } class ContractParser { static Future fromAssets( String path, String contractAddress) async { final contractJson = jsonDecode(await rootBundle.loadString('assets/abi.json'));

return DeployedContract(
    ContractAbi.fromJson(jsonEncode(contractJson), 'token'),

} }`

the abi.json is a norml ERC-20 contract.

mrtnetwork commented 2 years ago

I think the problem is your RPC URL for example, I get the same error with Ankr public Rpc Url but worked with Infura

YannMarti commented 2 years ago

Thanks, was indeed this. not sure why it doesnt workfor some RPC urls but changing indeed fixed it.

kaumudpa commented 1 year ago

This issue needs attention.

xclud commented 1 year ago

@kaumudpa What is your url endpoint?

kaumudpa commented 1 year ago

@xclud I am using injected metamask as my custom client.

Interstingly If we use direct RPC client - things work just fine.

Injected Metamask as a custom client throws this issue.

kaumudpa commented 1 year ago

Issue is also seen on the prior plugin - https://github.com/simolus3/web3dart/issues/59

kaumudpa commented 1 year ago

With the help of alchemy explorer i found the following-

While using Alchemy API as Direct RPC Client the request to alchemy is {"id":"d17acd83-3c00-432a-b3cd-1036985e9c2d","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_call","params":[{"to":"0x7872eF9f1187bae5a522DDd0f29258e09976CEaE","data":"0x70a08231000000000000000000000000fad3b616bcd747a12a7c0a6203e7a481606b12e8"},"0x1f1b14b"]}

Response {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"d17acd83-3c00-432a-b3cd-1036985e9c2d","result":"0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fc26804b0a01683f7"}

While using injected metamask as custom client for the same request. {"id":2465261209,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_call","params":[{},"0x1f1b2ad"]}

Response {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":2465261209,"result":"0x"}

xclud commented 1 year ago

Which one is the correct/expected Request & Response?

kaumudpa commented 1 year ago

@xclud The first one is the correct request and hence we get the correct response.

For some reason with custom client the request doesn't send the right params as you might have observed and hence we get just 0x as response and that's the reason web3dart throws RangeError: Value not in range: 32

kaumudpa commented 1 year ago

@xclud Any Idea what could be wrong? How do we resolve this?

xclud commented 1 year ago

@kaumudpa I am investigating. Your hints to the problem are pretty helpful.

kaumudpa commented 1 year ago

@xclud any luck with this? If you have anything to share please do share.

rorocabrera commented 7 months ago

Hi, is there any new info on this? thanks

stevenspiel commented 4 months ago

For me, the issue was the DeployedContract address. I was putting in the wallet address, instead of the token address.

final _usdcPolygonContract = DeployedContract(
  ContractAbi.fromJson(_erc20ContractAbi, 'USDC'),
  contract: _usdcPolygonContract,
  function: _usdcPolygonContract.function('balanceOf'),
  params: [ownAddress],

in case you're wondering, the contract's abi I used was


and I'm hitting the https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/ rpc url