xclud / web3dart

Ethereum library, written in Dart.
MIT License
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can't generate g.dart #75

Open Sangza opened 1 year ago

Sangza commented 1 year ago

[INFO] Generating build script... [INFO] Generating build script completed, took 602ms

[INFO] Precompiling build script...... [WARNING] .dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart:9:8: Error: Error when reading '../../Documents/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/web3dart-2.5.0/lib/src/builder/builders.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.

import 'package:web3dart/src/builder/builders.dart' as _i2; ^ .dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart:21:10: Error: Undefined name 'abiGenerator'. [_i2.abiGenerator], ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart:131:9: Error: Undefined name 'deleteSource'. _i2.deleteSource, ^^^^^^^^^^^^ [INFO] Precompiling build script... completed, took 12.2s

[SEVERE] Failed to precompile build script .dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart. This is likely caused by a misconfigured builder definition.

rahulrmishra commented 1 year ago

Please check this -> https://pub.dev/packages/web3dart_builders Using the steps in readme you'll be able to generate it

makinghappen commented 1 year ago

@Sangza autogenerator is returned in web3dart fork https://github.com/devopsdao/webthree