xcode75 / XManagerPlus

An Xray Manager
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help for update to v20230817 #283

Closed mohammadoaaakd closed 10 months ago

mohammadoaaakd commented 10 months ago

hello guys pls help me to find "settings table" im blind 11

aliafshany commented 10 months ago

پایین تره

mohammadoaaakd commented 10 months ago


setteings is here but where is "settings table"

aliafshany commented 10 months ago

lets rephraes this way "Settings" Table

these area tables for say:

fallbacks giftcards giftcard_ logs group knowledgebase loginip

mohammadoaaakd commented 10 months ago


توی تنظیمات اصلا گزینه ورژن رو پیدا نمیکنم

aliafshany commented 10 months ago

سطر های آخر هست فک کنم ۱۳۰ اینا

باید از بالا بزنی تا row های بیشتری نشون بده

mohammadoaaakd commented 10 months ago


ممنون اوکی شد