xcodebuild / blog-admin

Write blog in emacs with hexo/org-page/nikola
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Using Nikola #27

Closed Balooga closed 7 years ago

Balooga commented 8 years ago

Can you provide any guidance or suggestions with the following error?

blog-admin-backend-nikola-build-site: Invalid function: blog-admin-backend-nikola--with-venv                            
cd ~/blog && ~/nikola/bin/nikola build: exited abnormally with code 3.
punchagan commented 8 years ago

Are you able to build your site without using blog-admin? Simple running nikola build on the terminal.

Can you execute this command and tell me what happens? (shell-command "cd ~/blog && ~/nikola/bin/nikola")

Balooga commented 8 years ago

Sorry, i thought "B ... Build Site" would initialize the blog.

Entering nikola init blog at the command line initializes the blog, and a subsequent "build site" runs without error.

However I now see the following error when I try to "write a new post";

ctbl:cp-get-component: Not found ctbl:component attribute...
Symbol's function definition is void: file-attribute-modification-time
punchagan commented 8 years ago

Looks like the function is pretty new in Emacs. I'll make some changes and push a fix. Thanks for testing this out, and sorry for the issues you are facing!

punchagan commented 8 years ago

I pushed a fix for this but GitHub is having issues. The commit will only show up after things are normal.

Balooga commented 8 years ago

Thank you. I pull from melpa anyway, so it takes several hours for changes here to be reflected there.

grauschnabel commented 8 years ago

I still have that issue today, is the fix in melpa already?

punchagan commented 8 years ago

Yes, it should be available in Melpa. Can you check that you have the latest version of blog-admin installed? https://melpa.org/#/blog-admin

grauschnabel commented 8 years ago

I installed it 3 days ago and did the lates updates via list-packages (see below).

How could I help you with further debugging?

[martin@martin-arch ~]$ ls ~/.emacs.d/elpa/blog*

blog-admin-autoloads.el   blog-admin-backend.elc       blog-admin-backend-nikola.el    blog-admin-backend-org-page.elc  blog-admin-pkg.el
blog-admin-autoloads.el~  blog-admin-backend-hexo.el   blog-admin-backend-nikola.elc   blog-admin.el
blog-admin-backend.el     blog-admin-backend-hexo.elc  blog-admin-backend-org-page.el  blog-admin.elc
punchagan commented 8 years ago

Can you tell me the version of Emacs you are using?

Also, it would help if you M-x toggle-debug-on-error and share the full traceback.

grauschnabel commented 8 years ago

I found out that there is a

Scanning posts... (Shell command failed with code 3 and some error output) Scanning posts... Done!

before that message.

And there is

                "cd %s && %s status -Pd"

in blog-admin-backend-nikola.el, line 81

So I tried it and found out that my nikola does not support the -P flag (Nikola v7.7.8)

So maybe its that?

punchagan commented 8 years ago

Yes, that is the issue. You will have to wait for the next release or get onto the master branch of Nikola.

grauschnabel commented 8 years ago

ok that was easy (on arch linux) - works now

punchagan commented 7 years ago

I think this issue is resolved now, and can be closed. Feel free to re-open/create a new issue, if required.