xcp-ng / xenadmin

XCP-ng Center, the Windows management console for XCP-ng and XenServer. /!\ EOL-Notice /!\ Community-maintained only /!\
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New Name for "XenCenter" #22

Closed borzel closed 6 years ago

borzel commented 6 years ago

Which would we all like?

  1. xenadmin
  2. XCP-Center
  3. XCPCenter
  4. XCP-ng Console <-- current work name
  5. XCP-ng Control
  6. XenControl
  7. Rocket Remote Control
  8. Missile Remote Control
  9. XenRocket

Other Ideas?

I'm also fine to stick with "XCP-ng Console" :-)

olivierlambert commented 6 years ago

We should avoid any "Xen" word as possible. "XCP-ng something" is a good start IMHO.

necouchman commented 6 years ago

We should avoid any "Xen" word as possible.

Any particular reason? Xen itself is open-source and used it other places (XenOrchestra, for example :-) - is there some reason the lawyers are saying we need to avoid that?

I'd vote for something like XCP-ng Center or XCP-ng Console - I don't think there's any reason to stray too far from the current name of the software.

olivierlambert commented 6 years ago

Because Citrix asked me explicitly to avoid playing with their trademarks.

necouchman commented 6 years ago

Because Citrix asked me explicitly to avoid playing with their trademarks.

That's fair. Interesting that they're targeting you/this project in particular, when there are many other open source projects out there that make use of the "Xen" name. Oh well, we shall do our best to make sure we don't make them any more angry than they must already be at us :-).

olivierlambert commented 6 years ago

That's the objective, yes :wink:

gangsterrapper22 commented 6 years ago

In my opinion XCP-ng Center or XCP-ng Console would be best name for it.

Danp2 commented 6 years ago

XCP-ng Manager

InterXellar commented 6 years ago

I like XCPCenter i would stick with that one 👍

borzel commented 6 years ago

Important to know: https://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/about/citrix-trademark-list.pdf

JoCord commented 6 years ago

I like XCP-ngCenter, as XCP-ng is the new name for this project. On the homepage of the project I also saw XCP-NG, but I like the small letters :)

With XCP-ngConsole I always think of the command line console inside the Center application.

PedroMesquita commented 6 years ago

I like XCPCenter!

xiscoj commented 6 years ago

I likde XCPCenter too or something but not with ng, don't like in the name

borzel commented 6 years ago

So far, i like (best first)

XCP-ng Manager XCP-ng Center XCP-ng Console

gangsterrapper22 commented 6 years ago

I think we should make an poll wit a few names and decide after this, which we should take. I think that is the easiest way, how to find out which name should be taken.

Danp2 commented 6 years ago

Maybe we should drop the "CP" and call it XNG Center.

borzel commented 6 years ago

XenCenter -> XngCenter ?

thtanner commented 6 years ago

"Console" seems to usually signify command-line, even though that's not always the case. I'd personally vote for:

1: XCP-ng Manager 2: XCP-ng Center

borzel commented 6 years ago

Vote here: http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=5ad140a7e4b0f7307b174caa

borzel commented 6 years ago

Vote is over! grafik

The name is "XCP-ng Center"