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Bring back DLL dependencies instead of bundling NuGet packages. #237

Open dinhngtu opened 4 weeks ago

dinhngtu commented 4 weeks ago

Update Report Viewer DLL dependencies to 12.0.2402.15. Generate MSTSC dependency at build time.

Setting package path in project file does not work on Visual Studio if the packages aren't already installed or the NuGet package sources are not set manually. In addition, we don't control the package names on NuGet, and the Microsoft.ReportViewer package is no longer maintained. This brings a significant security risk.

Report Viewer DLL dependencies have been updated to 12.0.2402.15, taken from the Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 runtime package.

Instead of bundling MSTSCLib into the project, generate it before building using AxImp.exe. In addition, as AxMSTSCLib is not directly modified, generate it as DLL as well.

michael-manley commented 5 days ago

I will look into if this will effect anything, but I will mention both Libraries will be removed in a future release, vNext will begin a rewrite to Avalonia and .NET 8.0 so will be looking into alternitive ways to do the console and reporting as both are deeply Windows and are trying to rewrite components to allow more Linux interop.