xcpretty / xcode-install

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Strange message when installing xcode-install #229

Open kohldampfer opened 7 years ago

kohldampfer commented 7 years ago

I installed xcode-install with this command

sudo gem install xocde-install

The output of the installation looks like this:

Fetching: xcode-install-2.2.0.gem (100%) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/xcode-install-2.2.0/bin/🎉 maybe gem pristine xcode-install will fix it? Successfully installed xcode-install-2.2.0 Parsing documentation for xcode-install-2.2.0 Installing ri documentation for xcode-install-2.2.0 Done installing documentation for xcode-install after 0 seconds 1 gem installed

Why is there this output

/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/xcode-install-2.2.0/bin/🎉 maybe gem pristine xcode-install will fix it?

aaronsky commented 7 years ago

I'm also seeing this. Just installed it today and I can't get that output to go away, when running the install or pristine commands

ehuynh commented 7 years ago

I'm got this problem as well and it seems like the symlink (🎉) in the bin directory failed to copy over to the gem bin directory.

probably won't be a issue unless you do:


instead of

> xcversion COMMAND 

as for why the copy failed? 🤷‍♂️

ehuynh commented 7 years ago

had a closer look by running gem unpack xcode-install and for me at least the symlink 🎉 is to bin/xcversion when I think it should be just xcversion

-rwxr-xr-x  1 edwardhuynh  staff  290  4 Aug 15:27 xcversion
lrwxr-xr-x  1 edwardhuynh  staff   13  4 Aug 15:27 🎉 -> bin/xcversion

during the gem install process, it looks through the bin directory to copy over all the executables and I'm guessing it can't resolve the symlink as there is no bin\bin directory.

not sure why that is the case as it seems like that symlink never changed since it was created https://github.com/KrauseFx/xcode-install/commits/master/bin/🎉. Maybe the author can provide some insight

trflagg commented 7 years ago

This is causing me problems during my android gradle build. I'm getting the message: Could not list contents of '/Users/distiller/nativeMobile/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/xcode-install-2.2.0/bin/🎉'. Couldn't follow symbolic link.

Since the link is 2 years old, I'm guessing something happened during the most recent gem build.

My stopgap solution is to add a line that removes the symlink, BUT since the link is an emoji I couldn't name it directly in my circle.yml file and had to resort to indirectly deleting any symlinks in the directory: find vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/xcode-install-2.2.0/bin -maxdepth 1 -type l -delete