Looking at the code, it seems that this function is related to the issue. The argument cells is never defined and that.pickerdays.width() returns 0, causing cells to be set to [1,1]
PeriodPicker.prototype.regenerate = function (cells) {
var that = this,
width = parseInt(that.pickerdays.width(), 10),
height = parseInt(that.picker[0].offsetHeight, 10),
if (cells === undefined) {
this.options.cells = [Math.floor((height - that.options.someYOffset) / that.options.monthHeightInPixels) || 1, Math.floor(width / that.options.monthWidthInPixels) || 1];
Issue When showing timepicker and default cells (height=1, width=3) only one month "cell" is shown.
Version 5.1.6
Additional details
Looking at the code, it seems that this function is related to the issue. The argument cells is never defined and that.pickerdays.width() returns 0, causing cells to be set to [1,1]