xdanaux / moderncv

A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX
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Academicons #57

Open twsh opened 6 years ago

twsh commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to be able to include an ORCID ID, and perhaps things like arXiv and PhilPapers. There are icons in https://github.com/jpswalsh/academicons and there is a package on CTAN: https://ctan.org/pkg/academicons

If I can get it working would you accept a pull request?

anthony-wang commented 6 years ago

IMO this would be great on a resume!

twsh commented 6 years ago

I've been thinking about how to do this. My first thought was to make a 'moderncviconsacademic.sty' with a \RequirePackage{academicons} and \renewcommand*{\orcidsocialsymbol}{{\aiOrcid}~} used with \moderncvicons{academic}. I added the required stuff to moderncv.cls and got it all working. But someone might want to use the academicons icons and fontawesome. On the other hand, I don't like the idea of making the academicons.sty requirement part of the class. Any suggestions?

andreall commented 6 years ago

I have tried including an ORCID and Researchgate ID as in https://github.com/xdanaux/moderncv/pull/35 but I haven't been able to make it work using MacTex. My problem is the icons don't show. Could you create a branch with your solution?


twsh commented 6 years ago

@andreall Have you installed the academicons font? Unlike with fontawesome.sty, you have to do that separately to get academicons.sty to work. That confused me for a while.

twsh commented 6 years ago

This might be a repetition of https://github.com/xdanaux/moderncv/pull/35

andreall commented 6 years ago

@twsh I have. I cloned the repository and installed the .ttf to make sure I have the last version on my FontBook. Should I do something else? I was using the branch from #35 and that's why I was wondering if you had found a different solution.

anthony-wang commented 6 years ago

@andreall interesting, academicons worked for me, both using my PC (MikTeX) and Mac (MacTeX-2017) I used the following:


It's not pretty but it works!

andreall commented 6 years ago

@anthony-wang that did work indeed...Thanks! I also made it work with the original \social[orcid]{0000-0000-0000-0000}. It turns out my doc isn't recognizing themoderncviconsacademicons.sty so for the classic style it was using the icons from marvosym:

\renewcommand*{\orcidsocialsymbol}{} \renewcommand*{\researchgatesocialsymbol}{}

I changed it to: \usepackage{academicons} \renewcommand*{\orcidsocialsymbol} {{\small\aiOrcid}~} % or \aiOrcidSquare \renewcommand*{\researchgatesocialsymbol}{{\small\aiResearchGate}~} % or \aiResearchGateSquare

Thanks again!