xdanaux / moderncv

A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX
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Warning about wrong package names #7

Closed u-fischer closed 7 years ago

u-fischer commented 9 years ago

moderncv loads styles with the help of \romanumeral. While \romannumeral 1 outputs an i and so the file is found, the catcode of the i is different, and so one get tons of warnings regarding the package names:

LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `moderncvheadi',
               but the package provides `moderncvheadi'.

Suggested fix (if you want to use letters instead of normal numbers in the file names):

  1. Remove all the \expandafters in the definition
  \expandafter\RequirePackage\expandafter[\expandafter#1\expandafter]{\expandafter moderncvhead\romannumeral #2}}

There are unnecessary (and wrong as \expandafter goes behind the next token, so you are actually expanding the "o" in moderncvhead). \RequirePackage[#1]{moderncvhead\romannumeral #2}} should work fine.

  1. Add \romannumeral to the package declarations
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvhead\romannumeral 1}[2015/07/28 v2.0.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter header variant: 1]
johannesbottcher commented 8 years ago

For the sake of crossreferencing: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/260446/what-does-you-have-requested-package-foo-but-the-package-provides-foo-me

FranklinYu commented 7 years ago

Possible duplicate: #1.

xdanaux commented 7 years ago

This should be fixed by commit c91b6ca77c7fe422f8519a433d13db6c3c715384.

vitaminace33 commented 5 years ago

Still there. The commit never made to final release nor CTAN.

FranklinYu commented 5 years ago

@vitaminace33 Development has stalled for more than 2 years; I have switched to alternatives.

raasoft commented 5 years ago

@FranklinYu which alternatives?

FranklinYu commented 5 years ago

@raasoft https://github.com/darwiin/yaac-another-awesome-cv which isn't on CTAN (yet).

MikeDawg commented 5 years ago

Someone interested ought to fork the project.