xdanaux / moderncv

A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX
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Issue with polyglossia #94

Open lazzalazza opened 3 years ago

lazzalazza commented 3 years ago

Using polyglossia & xelatex with the moderncv class leads to unexpected output. I'm using TeX Live under MacOs Catilina 10.15.4.

Is there a way to solve this?

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{moderncv}
\setotherlanguages{french, spanish, german}

\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\address{Random Address 15, 000123, Ran (DOM)}
\phone{+39 348/3852269}


Some content


cryptointerest commented 3 years ago

This seems to be due to polyglossia needing to be loaded before hyperref. There is no straight forward solution to this because it requires writing a parsable option for the document class, e.g. something like

\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans,polyglossia,pgldefaultlang={[lang option]<lang>},pglotherlang={[lang option]<lang>},pglotherlangs={<lang1>,<lang2>,...}]{moderncv}

which would then setup polyglossial before hyperref. Alternatively, write setter functions that allow to set the default language before hyperref is loaded. I have no idea how to achieve this. If somebody knows something, step up.

For now, you can alter your copy of moderncv.cls. Around line 84 you should see

% font loading

Thereafter, insert the following lines

  \setotherlanguages{french, spanish, german}

to setup polyglossia in like in your MWE.

Alternatively, forget all that and use babel.