Closed VikramTiwari closed 5 years ago
Running it with virtualenv
works, but why such strong requirements for version? Not sure if the versions are static at older versions, but if so, then it's even worse practice.
I am facing the same issue - any help ?
@kosmox Only way to do this right now is using virtualenv
Hi @kosmox and @VikramTiwari,
Would you mind running pip list
and pasting the results into this thread? That should help us figure out what might be happening.
Thanks much,
Here you go!
$ pip list
DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use --format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning.
alabaster (0.7.10)
amqp (2.1.4)
appdirs (1.4.3)
arrow (0.10.0)
astroid (1.4.9)
avro (1.8.1)
Babel (2.3.4)
backports.functools-lru-cache (1.3)
beam (0.3.0)
billiard (
bingads (10.4.12)
blinker (1.4)
celery (4.0.2)
chardet (2.3.0)
click (6.6)
configparser (3.5.0)
contextlib2 (0.5.4)
cookies (2.2.1)
crcmod (1.7)
croniter (0.3.14)
cycler (0.10.0)
dill (0.2.6)
docutils (0.13.1)
email (4.0.2)
emoji (0.3.9)
enum34 (1.1.6)
facebookads (2.9.1)
flake8 (3.2.1)
Flask (0.11.1)
funcsigs (1.0.2)
functools32 (3.2.3.post2)
future (0.16.0)
futures (3.0.5)
gapic-google-cloud-datastore-v1 (0.15.3)
gapic-google-cloud-error-reporting-v1beta1 (0.15.3)
gapic-google-cloud-logging-v2 (0.91.3)
gapic-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 (0.15.3)
gapic-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 (0.15.3)
gapic-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 (0.15.3)
gapic-google-cloud-spanner-v1 (0.15.3)
gapic-google-cloud-speech-v1beta1 (0.15.3)
gapic-google-cloud-vision-v1 (0.90.3)
gapic-google-logging-v2 (0.10.1)
gapic-google-pubsub-v1 (0.10.1)
google-api-python-client (1.5.4)
google-apitools (0.5.8)
google-auth (0.9.0)
google-auth-httplib2 (0.0.2)
google-cloud (0.23.0)
google-cloud-bigquery (0.23.0)
google-cloud-bigtable (0.23.1)
google-cloud-core (0.23.1)
google-cloud-dataflow (0.5.5)
google-cloud-datastore (0.23.0)
google-cloud-dns (0.23.0)
google-cloud-error-reporting (0.23.1)
google-cloud-happybase (0.22.0)
google-cloud-language (0.23.1)
google-cloud-logging (0.23.1)
google-cloud-monitoring (0.23.0)
google-cloud-pubsub (0.23.0)
google-cloud-resource-manager (0.23.0)
google-cloud-runtimeconfig (0.23.0)
google-cloud-spanner (0.23.1)
google-cloud-speech (0.23.0)
google-cloud-storage (0.23.1)
google-cloud-translate (0.23.0)
google-cloud-vision (0.23.3)
google-gax (0.15.8)
googleads (5.3.0)
googleapis-common-protos (1.5.2)
googledatastore (6.4.1)
grpc-google-cloud-logging-v2 (0.90.0)
grpc-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 (0.14.0)
grpc-google-iam-v1 (0.11.1)
grpc-google-logging-v2 (0.10.1)
grpc-google-pubsub-v1 (0.10.1)
grpcio (1.2.0)
httplib2 (0.10.3)
imagesize (0.7.1)
isort (4.2.5)
itsdangerous (0.24)
Jinja2 (2.8)
kombu (4.0.2)
lazy-object-proxy (1.2.2)
luminol (0.3.1)
MarkupSafe (0.23)
matplotlib (2.0.0)
mccabe (0.5.3)
mock (2.0.0)
mysql-connector-python (1.0.12)
MySQL-python (1.2.5)
mysql-utilities (1.3.5)
numpy (1.11.2)
oauth2client (4.0.0)
oauthlib (2.0.1)
packaging (16.8)
pandas (0.19.1)
pbr (1.10.0)
pep8 (1.7.0)
pip (9.0.1)
ply (3.8)
proto-google-cloud-datastore-v1 (0.90.3)
proto-google-cloud-error-reporting-v1beta1 (0.15.3)
proto-google-cloud-logging-v2 (0.91.3)
proto-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 (0.15.3)
proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 (0.15.3)
proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 (0.15.3)
proto-google-cloud-spanner-v1 (0.15.3)
proto-google-cloud-speech-v1beta1 (0.15.3)
proto-google-cloud-vision-v1 (0.90.3)
proto-google-datastore-v1 (1.3.1)
protobuf (3.0.0)
protorpc (0.11.1)
pyasn1 (0.2.3)
pyasn1-modules (0.0.8)
pyflakes (1.3.0)
Pygments (2.2.0)
pylint (1.6.5)
pymongo (3.4.0)
pyparsing (2.2.0)
PySocks (1.6.7)
python-dateutil (2.6.0)
python-gflags (3.1.1)
python-http-client (2.2.1)
pytz (2017.2)
PyYAML (3.12)
raven (5.32.0)
redis (2.10.5)
requests (2.13.0)
requests-oauthlib (0.8.0)
responses (0.5.1)
rq (0.7.1)
rq-dashboard (0.3.7)
rq-scheduler (0.7.0)
rsa (3.4.2)
schedule (0.4.2)
scipy (0.18.1)
sendgrid (3.6.3)
setuptools (34.3.3)
six (1.10.0)
slacker (0.9.30)
snowballstemmer (1.2.1)
Sphinx (1.5.3)
SQLAlchemy (1.1.4)
subprocess32 (3.2.7)
suds-jurko (0.6)
tensorflow (0.12.1)
termcolor (1.1.0)
uritemplate (3.0.0)
urllib3 (1.19.1)
vine (1.1.3)
virtualenv (15.1.0)
Werkzeug (0.11.11)
wheel (0.29.0)
wrapt (1.10.8)
xlrd (1.0.0)
xmltodict (0.10.2)
yapf (0.14.0)
yasm (0.0)
Any update to version conflict issue? I can't seem to get this running. Is there a version specific dependency? I can set a local python version but not sure which version I should be installing exactly.
Error log:
Seems like a version conflict for deps. But why so? I have even tried using the source to no avail.