xdissent / ievms

Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines
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New VM downloads support plans? #234

Closed vassilevsky closed 9 years ago

vassilevsky commented 9 years ago

I was wondering what are your plans on supporting the new download URLs.

At the moment, if I need a Windows XP VM with IE8 for a Mac version of VirtualBox, modern.ie offers me the following command:

curl -O -L "https://www.modern.ie/vmdownload?platform=mac&virtPlatform=virtualbox&browserOS=IE8-WinXP&parts=2&filename=VMBuild_20131127/VirtualBox/IE8_WinXP/Mac/IE8.WinXP.For.MacVirtualBox.part{1.sfx,2.rar}"

whereas ievms has this line of code:

local url="http://virtualization.modern.ie/vhd/IEKitV1_Final/VirtualBox/OSX/${archive}"

Any plans on supporting the new URLs / machines? Need help?

xdissent commented 9 years ago

@vassilevsky The modern.IE URLs are for platform-specific self-extracting rar files. We use the platform-neutral zip files for portability. @matthewlein What exactly did it do when you ran it? It has nothing to do with the URLs.

matthewlein commented 9 years ago

I used an old URL, I'm deleting my other comment.

xdissent commented 9 years ago

@matthewlein Ah, ok - the ievms URL did change when github changed the hosted content domain name. Glad it worked out.