xe5700 / kvmd-armbian

KVMD For Armbian Install Script
GNU General Public License v2.0
176 stars 46 forks source link

questions to xe5700 #15

Closed peacokswiss closed 7 months ago

peacokswiss commented 1 year ago

1. For what you need python3-dev ?

2. I think kvmd-webterm user/service also broken still, but you updated the file only for the python3-dev?

3. Your install.sh script has follow problem, many time start apt-get install needs a lots of time on small maschines.

Your's: install-python-packages() { for i in $( echo "aiofiles appdirs asn1crypto async-timeout bottle cffi chardet click colorama cryptography dateutil dbus dev hidapi idna libgpiod marshmallow more-itertools multidict netifaces packaging passlib pillow ply psutil pycparser pyelftools pyghmi pygments pyparsing requests semantic-version setproctitle setuptools six spidev systemd tabulate urllib3 wrapt xlib yaml yarl" ) do echo "apt-get install python3-$i -y" apt-get install python3-$i -y > /dev/null done

My Version is better, you can make all in one step: install-python-packages() { apttmp="" for i in $( echo "aiofiles appdirs asn1crypto async-timeout bottle cffi chardet click colorama cryptography dateutil dbus dev hidapi idna libgpiod marshmallow more-itertools multidict netifaces packaging passlib pillow ply psutil pycparser pyelftools pyghmi pygments pyparsing pyotp requests semantic-version setproctitle setuptools six spidev systemd tabulate urllib3 wrapt xlib yaml yarl" ) do apttmp=$apttmp" python3-$i" done echo echo "apt install -y $apttmp" apt install -y $apttmp

i use this two times in the script, makes it faster install ... on small maschines.....

4. Command sync is necessary on sdcard, and very import end, not loos datas...., you don't update?

Can you help me to understand, why you don't change some stuff?

xe5700 commented 1 year ago
  1. I just accept a pull request he added python3-dev
  2. I think kvmd-webterm is works, I will test script soon.
  3. I think your script is better than install a package every loop. I will change to install in one step in next version.
  4. I will add sync command in end of script my device uses EMMC, i never seen my device loos data.