xe5700 / kvmd-armbian

KVMD For Armbian Install Script
GNU General Public License v2.0
176 stars 46 forks source link

A lot of mistakes #22

Closed wzooroo closed 7 months ago

wzooroo commented 8 months ago

There are a lot of errors during installation (Tell me, will this affect the work? Orange Pi one.

grep: /etc/kvmd/override.yaml: No such file or directory ./.tmp.kvmd-install.sh: line 56: /etc/kvmd/override.yaml: No such file or directory ./.tmp.kvmd-install.sh: line 44: cd: /etc/kvmd/nginx/ssl: No such file or directory cp: target '/etc/kvmd/vnc/ssl/' is not a directory sed: can't read /etc/udev/rules.d/99-kvmd.rules: No such file or directory

-> Apply patches ./patches/custom/old-kernel-msd/apply.sh: line 5: cd: /kvmd-3.142-py*.egg/: No such file or directory error: kvmd/aiohelpers.py: No such file or directory error: kvmd/apps/otg/__init__.py: No such file or directory error: kvmd/apps/otgmsd/__init__.py: No such file or directory error: kvmd/plugins/msd/otg/__init__.py: No such file or directory error: kvmd/plugins/msd/otg/drive.py: No such file or directory

peacokswiss commented 8 months ago

i made few fixes in this projekt...

http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/Readme.txt Some PIC/DOKUS: http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/ Importend: http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/Howtomake_theDTB_Files%20correct_ForPiKVM.pdf

peacokswiss commented 8 months ago

@wzooroo your problem ist comming from apt-key from this page project.. apt-key don't work anymore,. so you can't get rpi4 source.... so you try install empty tar.xz ;) hehe,, so the only way is ,. use my scripts for this project here in... ok regards....

(in the folder /var/cache/kvmd you will found the empty tar.xz files hehe)

I exchange apt-key with tee .. if you want search in the new install script..... ok by so far

wzooroo commented 8 months ago

There is the OrangePi Zero 2 H616 project. Is this application information for H3 CPU? Or will everything have to be redone?

peacokswiss commented 8 months ago

Hardware dependent is dtb file for the operating system, for usb-otg peripheral. I changed this file dtb, I hope correctly. Now you have to test it, I don't own this hardware.


Other tips you can take from: http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/

wzooroo commented 8 months ago

Thanks, I'll give it a try!

wzooroo commented 8 months ago


wget http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/install.sh wget http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/config.sh chmod +x install.sh sync ./install.sh Third Boot: cd kvmd-armbian ./install.sh

Run ./install.sh twice ?

wzooroo commented 8 months ago

The starting problem has been solved! But now there is no terminal in KVM( And there is no way to mount iso images. And where can I see which gpio pins are used?

Edit override.yaml

    type: gpio

500 Internal Server Error

peacokswiss commented 7 months ago

He man, this is a issue Site, the python Stuff ist ok,... , this is not a Forum..

Anyone who can read has a clear advantage

I told you,, first make a Armbian OS on the sdcard, and the dtb (manipulatet on it) befor first boot.

Then go the readme for you.

On the Third boot : cd kvmd-armbian and ./install.sh

If ending this second ./install.sh you shoot see some blue line.. make a Reboot, and you have a graphical webinterface for PiKVM..

All other Stuff is explained in http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/ also the http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/kvmd-armbian_GPIO_ATX_Interface.pdf

Only to activate ATX GPIO is a bad idee... , shure can end in 500 Interal Server Error

Anyone who can read has a clear advantage

ISO/IMG Files... i don't know if you read the ,, shrink the sdcard back to maybee 5GB, then make a new Partition, then you can filled in /etc/fstab and activaten in override.yaml ,, ist also in the Readme from the H616, but work for all (RockPi, OrangePi whatever....) so you have a lot of reading now.

Just activations without reading cleary ending in not working Systems...

This for me the ending in this issue.. ok by

Maybee, you have a friend for linux, in your near Envroiment, citys...? this will the best.. cue

About ISO/IMG File in the WebInterface PiKVM:

The normal Armbian OS, will take all the space on the SDCARD to one big, resize to a big Partition. So after the install you have to resize to smaler Size.. IF you can do that,, then i have a Script for the PI-Systems, to make the rest ( i don't know is it a 32GB oder 64/128GB Card in??)

Put in the PiKVM Armbian OS, and start him; will make you a DRIVE Button in the WebInterface:


mkpikvmdrive with the free space left on the sdcard

peacokswiss 12 Nov 2023




copy it to /usr/local/bin/mkpikvmdrive

chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/mkpikvmdrive





checkfstab () { statusfstab=$(cat /etc/fstab | grep /var/lib/kvmd/msd) if [ -n "$statusfstab" ]; then echo;echo " kvmd Drive exists in fstab, exiting...";echo;exit 0;fi }

checkfree () { statusfreespace=$(parted /dev/$_drive unit s print free | tail -n 2 | head -n 1| grep "Free Space") if [ -z "$statusfreespace" ]; then echo;echo " No space left on sdcard /dev/$_drive, exiting...";echo;exit 0;fi

echo $statusfreespace


createdrive () { echo;echo " On the free Space on the SDCard, i starting make a PiKVM-Drive....";echo;sleep 2 startingsector=$(parted /dev/$_drive unit s print free | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') parted /dev/$_drive mkpart primary ext4 $startingsector -- -1s mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/"$_drive"p2

echo $startingsector


createfstab () { sync blkid_partone=$(blkid /dev/mmcblk0p1 | cut -d "\"" -f 4) blkid_parttwo=$(blkid /dev/mmcblk0p2 | cut -d "\"" -f 2) echo "UUID=$blkid_partone / ext4 defaults,noatime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 1" > /etc/fstab echo "UUID=$blkid_parttwo /var/lib/kvmd/msd ext4 nodev,nosuid,noexec,ro,errors=remount-ro,data=journal,X-kvmd.otgmsd-root=/var/lib/kvmd/msd,X-kvmd.otgmsd-user=kvmd 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0" >> /etc/fstab }

mod_kvmoverride () { cp /etc/kvmd/override.yaml /etc/kvmd/override.yaml.bak rm /etc/kvmd/override.yaml _lines_n="$(wc -l /etc/kvmd/override.yaml.bak | awk '{print $1}')" for ((i=1; i<=$_lines_n; i++));do

if [ "$i" == "1" ];then echo "$_line" > /etc/kvmd/override.yaml;fi

_line="$(head -n $i /etc/kvmd/override.yaml.bak | tail -n 1)"
_msg=$(echo $_line| grep msd | awk '{print $1}')
if [ -n "$_msg" ];then 
    echo "#    msd:" >> /etc/kvmd/override.yaml
    echo "#        type: disabled" >> /etc/kvmd/override.yaml
    echo "$_line" >> /etc/kvmd/override.yaml

done }

echo '

PiKVM Drive on SDCcard free space.

Creator for a Drive started......'

checkfstab checkfree createdrive createfstab mod_kvmoverride sync echo;echo "After rebooting you can use the PiKVM Drive in the Webportal, to upload some iso/img Files.....";echo reboot

exit 0

But shure, now is ending helping, go in any Computerclub for Linux. they will help you...

wzooroo commented 7 months ago

Man, I realize you were born with your shirt on!) I got everything working except ATX( I did what http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/kvmd-armbian_GPIO_ATX_Interface.pdf says.

Activate ATX Function nano /etc/kvmd/override.yaml atx: type: gpio Change just from disabled to gpio, save it maybe make a sync command, reboot. Or restart all kvmd services, i prefer reboot.

So it's not my problem) But thanks for the answers! I'll try to figure it out myself!

peacokswiss commented 7 months ago

There i sayd,, for H2/H3/H5 Cpu's you need using the online Calculator to fit the pins.. !! ----Ursprüngliche Nachricht---- Von : @. Datum : 20/11/2023 - 17:27 (MN) An : @. Cc : @., @. Betreff : Re: [xe5700/kvmd-armbian] A lot of mistakes (Issue #22) Man, I realize you were born with your shirt on!) I got everything working except ATX( I did what http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/kvmd-armbian_GPIO_ATX_Interface.pdf says.

Activate ATX Function nano /etc/kvmd/override.yaml atx: type: gpio Change just from disabled to gpio, save it maybe make a sync command, reboot. Or restart all kvmd services, i prefer reboot. So it's not my problem) But thanks for the answers! I'll try to figure it out myself! — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

peacokswiss commented 7 months ago

https://jsfiddle.net/tuav7f6q/1/ if you read my ATX PDF,, and on witch file you have to places on.... Anyone who can read has a clear advantage So first definied you pins your self,, by the Calcluator,, is descriped in the
http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/kvmd-armbian_GPIO_ATX_Interface.pdf then you able to activatet it on the override.yaml.. not befor !!! shittt, shitt, is simple ----Ursprüngliche Nachricht---- Von : @. Datum : 20/11/2023 - 17:27 (MN) An : @. Cc : @., @. Betreff : Re: [xe5700/kvmd-armbian] A lot of mistakes (Issue #22) Man, I realize you were born with your shirt on!) I got everything working except ATX( I did what http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/kvmd-armbian_GPIO_ATX_Interface.pdf says.

Activate ATX Function nano /etc/kvmd/override.yaml atx: type: gpio Change just from disabled to gpio, save it maybe make a sync command, reboot. Or restart all kvmd services, i prefer reboot. So it's not my problem) But thanks for the answers! I'll try to figure it out myself! — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

peacokswiss commented 7 months ago

GPIO: You need the Calculator online there in: god verdammich, shiiit then.... kvmd-armbian Our GPIO python file is /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/kvmd/plugins/atx/gpio.py It is best to write your values directly in this gpio.py. BCM numbers are used, the addressing addresses from the Linux Core to the chip And “/etc/kvmd/override.yaml” only to be used for activation, and no pin to be defined ther And if is ther python 3.10 this is old,, put python3.11 in side the path and so on,, be creative.. man !!!! ----Ursprüngliche Nachricht---- Von : @. Datum : 20/11/2023 - 17:27 (MN) An : @. Cc : @., @. Betreff : Re: [xe5700/kvmd-armbian] A lot of mistakes (Issue #22) Man, I realize you were born with your shirt on!) I got everything working except ATX( I did what http://www.industrie-optimierer.ch/tmp/PiKVM/PiKVM_OrangePizero2/kvmd-armbian_GPIO_ATX_Interface.pdf says.

Activate ATX Function nano /etc/kvmd/override.yaml atx: type: gpio Change just from disabled to gpio, save it maybe make a sync command, reboot. Or restart all kvmd services, i prefer reboot. So it's not my problem) But thanks for the answers! I'll try to figure it out myself! — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>