xealits / ttbar-leptons-80X

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Reduced event output (Ntuples or TTrees or EDM events?), what is to store there? #4

Open xealits opened 7 years ago

xealits commented 7 years ago

Can output an NTuple of particular parameters for preselection or full EDM event for a particular selection.

NTuple has some limitations, so in principle a TTree of object would be better.

A simple TTree restricted to a list of float variables only. Each variable goes to a separate branch. A Ntuple is created via


It is filled via:

TNtuple::Fill(*x)  or


Create an Ntuple. The parameter varlist describes the list of the ntuple variables separated by a colon: Example: x:y:z:energy For each variable in the list a separate branch is created. NOTE:

  • Use TTree to create branches with variables of different data types.
  • Use TTree when the number of branches is large (> 100).
xealits commented 7 years ago

What to put in the NTuple:

-- could output certain N of jets and counters for the rest (like 5 selJetsNoLep jets are in output, with their momenta, b-tag discriminants etc and also output N of all jets, ID jets, selJets, selJetsNoLep jets etc). And make 2 different NTuples: for single-lepton and dileptons.