xefi / faker-php-colors

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To fix for first commit #1

Open GautierDele opened 1 week ago

GautierDele commented 1 week ago

[ protected array $allColorNames =

--> $colorNames

Use the new pickArrayRandomElement method from extension


I changed this in numbers-strings because this could lead to problems, please have a look

For this, please have a look at what I did for Lorem Extension Tests in order to avoid pasting values directly in tests: https://github.com/xefi/faker-php-colors/blob/8919105d3d188204758dac8598f23bc34eabbd90/tests/Unit/TextExtensionTest.php#L20

Good 😄

martinsoenen commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the review

I pushed the updates in the branch feature/base, can you take a new look please ?