[x] Make coordinate interface puzzle activate once it slots down
[x] Place keys in layer 1 chests and coordinate interface chest
[x] Adjust quantum puzzle key position
[x] Make red scroll actually red
[x] Disable ship ignition sfx
[x] immunity to damage
[x] infinite fuel
[x] secondary coordinate solution (the existing solution but upside down, then shift them one slot left and wrap around)
[x] fix the ship log so that the planets are always in a consistent order
[x] make it so that you can't press up on most fake planets in the map mode except for Fake8
[x] place final lock
[x] A MonoBehaviour that I can stick on a Shape that, when the player enters, will make them close their eyes, move to a referenced Transform position, then open their eyes. Going to put this on the water.
[x] Set up remaining keys
[x] Door opening sound
[x] Key socketing sound on locks
[x] Fix bug that meditation disables all sounds
[x] Fix Ghost Bird target position staying relative to the player
[x] Edit the lock placements a bit to look better with the new models