xen0f0n / ieee-deep_learning_workshop

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Showcase applications of deep learning #5

Open xen0f0n opened 5 years ago

xen0f0n commented 5 years ago

Locate videos or images or demos of DL applications to present during the workshop.


xen0f0n commented 5 years ago


gbegkas commented 5 years ago

4K ResNet50 RetinaNet - Object Detection in Keras https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYueHEMGRos

gbegkas commented 5 years ago

How to play Quidditch using the TensorFlow Object Detection API https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-play-quidditch-using-the-tensorflow-object-detection-api-b0742b99065d

gbegkas commented 5 years ago

This person does not exist - GANs https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/

gbegkas commented 5 years ago

Celebrating Johann Sebastian Bach - Google Doodle https://www.google.com/doodles/celebrating-johann-sebastian-bach

gbegkas commented 5 years ago

Alpha Go DeepMind https://qz.com/639952/googles-ai-won-the-game-go-by-defying-millennia-of-basic-human-instinct/