xendit / xendit-node

Xendit REST API Client for Node.js - Card, Virtual Account, Invoice, Disbursement, Recurring Payments, Payout, EWallet, Balance, Retail Outlets, QR Codes, Direct Debit
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TypeError every time use enum #162

Open djmanaluu opened 2 years ago

djmanaluu commented 2 years ago

I use Xendit in my NodeJS and using TypeScript. I tried to call EWallet.createEWalletCharge(args: {}) and QrCode.createCode(args: {}) and get TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined to all parameters that use your enum. (in my case Currency, ChannelCode, QrCodeTypes)

I think because the enum is not convert properly to be string in the javascript code (🤔 just my opinion, still not sure because haven't check it deeper).

I think despite of using enum, better for you to use Union Type and the we still can get the value suggestion too like the image I put below.

So here's the example:

enum Currency {
  IDR = 'IDR',
  PHP = 'PHP',

type Currency = 'IDR' | 'PHP';

Maybe you can change all enum into union type like that.

And I found 1 more problem, ChannelCode in ewallet_charge.d.ts not cover all of the ewallet method.

Thank you.


  1. Image for the value suggestion if using union type

    Screen Shot 2022-06-22 at 10 34 23
  2. How to repo the error: Just run this code

    try {
    const xendit = new Xendit({
        secretKey: "xnd_development_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    const result = await new PaymentGateway.EWallet({}).createEWalletCharge({
        referenceID: "ID",
        currency: Currency.IDR,
        amount: 9999,
        checkoutMethod: "ONE_TIME_PAYMENT",
        channelCode: ChannelCode.ID_OVO,
        channelProperties: {
            mobileNumber: "+628123423423"
    } catch (error) {
adityarx commented 1 year ago

Hi @djmanaluu a little bit of a late response but we are trying to figure out the best way to fix this at the moment. In the meantime, please use the unideal way of casting strings as any fit into the type temporarily 🙏