xendit / xendit-php

Xendit REST API Client for PHP - Card, Virtual Account, Invoice, Disbursement, Recurring Payments, Payout, EWallet, Balance, Retail Outlets Services, xenPlatforms
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Xendit php library too bloated #176

Open erikdemarco opened 2 years ago

erikdemarco commented 2 years ago

When we compare xendit's php library with doku or midtrans here: https://github.com/PTNUSASATUINTIARTHA-DOKU/jokul-php-library https://github.com/Midtrans/midtrans-php

We have many disadvantage compared to them: -) very huge filesize (1MB zipped with all composer required library), doku only <10kb, midtrans only <30kb (core library). So currently we are the most bloated, maybe we can make it modular so dev can include only the feature they need. Reduced complexity will make this library more easier to mantain. -) Other library doesnt force to use composer to install it. They work out of the box without any need for other dependency.

Even our official xendit woocommerce plugin dont want to use this library, they build their own. If our own developer dont want to use this library, do you think other developer will use this? Just let it seep inside our head for a day.

Most developer when look how complicated this library compared with the other library for the same category will stay away from using this library.

AaEzha commented 2 years ago

I think the simplest solution is you just don't use this package. Instead you can use POST/GET directly.

4RSIM3R commented 1 year ago

Okay, I think the idea makes this SDK more modular, ie: maybe splitting it into specific domains like xendit-php-ewallets etc is good.

erikdemarco commented 1 year ago

I think the simplest solution is you just don't use this package. Instead you can use POST/GET directly.

This is the problem. No one is using this repo because of this mindset.

Lets do a basic research on github. Lets compare usage of xendit-php and midtrans-php. Lets search for unique keyword on each project.

Midtrans (1K) https://github.com/search?q=%22SNAP_PRODUCTION_BASE_URL%22&type=code

Xendit (1): https://github.com/search?q=%22receiptNotificationReqParams%22&type=code

As you can see based on just a basic research like this we can conclude the usage rate of this repo.