xendit / xendit-php

Xendit REST API Client for PHP - Card, Virtual Account, Invoice, Disbursement, Recurring Payments, Payout, EWallet, Balance, Retail Outlets Services, xenPlatforms
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Experiencing multiple cURL request timeout #199

Closed huedaya closed 1 year ago

huedaya commented 1 year ago

I don't know what just happened, I didn't change any code, but I keep receiving request timeout from this PHP SDK.

cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 60001 milliseconds with 5036 bytes received 
(see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for https://api.xendit.co/transactions

I suspect that something related to the Xendit API server because of the API upgrade. My temporary solution is to call the API manually.

luminto17 commented 1 year ago

Hi @huedaya , we are sorry for the inconvenience. Do you mind to provide us a sample Request ID https://developers.xendit.co/api-reference/#request-id for us to investigate? and provide us information whether the timeout issue happened across APIs or only specific API GET /transactions?

Initial hypothesis is because the GET /transactions API is trying to pull a lot of transaction data, hence timeout, but we'll wait for the Request ID to start our investigation. Thank you in advance!

huedaya commented 1 year ago

Hi @luminto17,

Here is the sample parameter I used, but unfortunately I didn't log the Request/Response since its inside the SDK.

//     $params = [
//         'types' => 'PAYMENT',
//         'statuses' => 'SUCCESS',
//         'channel_categories' => 'QR_CODE',
//         'currency' => 'IDR',
//     ];

I don't think the huge chunk of data is the cause, since the API has a default limit of 10 rows.

luminto17 commented 1 year ago

Hi @huedaya , thank you for sharing the info. Unfortunately the request params are generic so it's quite challenging to identify the request

Do you mind to provide us your Business ID that can be obtained here https://dashboard.xendit.co/settings/business-profile#business? We'll diagnose your API traffic based on your Business ID. Thank you in advance!

adityarx commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue due to inactivity