xendit / xendit-php

Xendit REST API Client for PHP - Card, Virtual Account, Invoice, Disbursement, Recurring Payments, Payout, EWallet, Balance, Retail Outlets Services, xenPlatforms
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Amount is mismatch #85

Closed msquareM closed 4 years ago

msquareM commented 4 years ago

Hi , this is mani when i pay through xendit (amount is 5000) after successful payment then go to gateway dashboard show like below https://prnt.sc/su55t5 , https://prnt.sc/su55t5 (payment amount is mismatch)

and my code look like below $params = [ 'amount' => 5003, 'token_id' => $request->xendit_token, 'externalid' => 'card'.time(), 'authentication_id' => $request->xendit_auth,
'card_cvn' => '123', 'capture' => true, 'currency'=>'IDR', ]; $createCharge = \Xendit\Cards::create($params);

stanleynguyen commented 4 years ago

@msquareM Can't seem to find your request with amount 5003, would you mind trying again and give me the transaction's external_id?

msquareM commented 4 years ago

@stanleynguyen ok now my amount is 5063 and my external_id is "card_1591337973"

stanleynguyen commented 4 years ago

@msquareM Can you show me how the amount mismatch?

msquareM commented 4 years ago


Above screenshot show amount is 5.063 (five point zero six three) but i am pay five thousand sixty three (my doubt is point)

stanleynguyen commented 4 years ago

It's the correct amount 5063. We are using . as thousands separator