xenesty / AkashaScanner

A Genshin Impact tool to export achievements, characters, artifacts, and weapons.
MIT License
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Dori #37

Open Natruwis opened 8 months ago

Natruwis commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug The scan ends whenever it goes over to Dori's Constellation page. I think it's rare to see an upgraded Dori which why I don't see any bug report on this lol.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have an upgraded Dori (mine currently at 79 along with my other 4 stars)
  2. Start the Scan
  3. Scan completely ends after going over Dori's Constellation page (and yes there are still more 4 star characters leveled after her)

Expected behavior Expected it to continue Dori isn't the last one on my upgraded 4 star characters.



Additional context On the screenshot I still have 4 stars leveled after Dori up to Xiangling. The scan ends "successfully" too, it didn't say that it was an error from moving my mouse. So it's definitely bugged after scanning Dori.