xenharmonic-devs / scale-workshop

Design and visualize microtonal scales and play them in your web browser. Export your scales for use with VST instruments. Convert Scala files to various tuning formats.
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Implement HEJI (Helmholtz-Ellis JI Pitch Notation) in ascii and unicode glyphs #465

Open 000masa000 opened 12 months ago

000masa000 commented 12 months ago

here the current document from the developers (most accurate) https://marsbat.space/pdfs/HEJI2_legend+series.pdf warning: broken link

here on the wiki: https://en.xen.wiki/w/Helmholtz-Ellis_notation

here about the Standard Music Font Layout implementation: https://w3c.github.io/smufl/latest/tables/extended-helmholtz-ellis-accidentals-just-intonation.html https://w3c.github.io/smufl/latest/tables/extended-helmholtz-ellis-accidentals-just-intonation-supplement.html

an ascii implementation by Thomas Nicholson is being developed, here is a work-in-progress version:

diatonic notes:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Mark's rejected proposal for ASCII accidentals:

Accidentals (wrapped in parentheses):

3: bb b # ## (natural = empty)

5: vv v ^ ^^

7: << < > >>

11: d t

13: d| |t

17: \ // OR `` ´´

19: ` ´ (grave and acute)

ASCII accidentals/inflections already implemented in SonicWeave_

3: bb b _ # x (natural = empty or underscore, double-sharp = x or ##) 5: ^5h or v5h 7: ^7h or v7h Rest of the primes work similarly according to Richie's extentension.

frostburn commented 12 months ago

Currently Scale Workshop doesn't understand semi-absolute pitch like A, B, C, etc. so I'm pushing this to version 3. Features that are basically required in the core to support this:

frostburn commented 8 months ago

For now we're only going to extend FJS with HEJI commas, but for future reference we got an offer for help with higher primes:

richieToday at 6:23 PM

Let me know if you ever go the glyphs way, and run into issues. Glad to help out however I can (ie “unifying” heji with the extensions as a single ttf)

frostburn commented 7 months ago

If someone wants to look into this now, here are some open questions:

  1. Is there a monospace font that supports HEJI accidentals
  2. Is FJS + HEJI commas enough for writing notes in ASCII? The set suggested by Marc takes a lot of space in the grammar, requiring special handling for symbols like < which already mean many things in SonicWeave. (Rendering the actual accidentals on screen is relatively easy once users are content with the input method.)