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Sonic Unleashed crashes in first Level #385

Closed ZaHando69 closed 1 year ago

ZaHando69 commented 1 year ago


Describe what's going wrong

My game always goes very buggy in one specific part of the first level and if i try to go further the screen goes black

Describe what should happen

The game shouldnt go black

If applicable, provide a callstack here, especially for crashes

No response

If applicable, upload a logfile and link it here

No response

Margen67 commented 1 year ago


ZaHando69 commented 1 year ago



ZaHando69 commented 1 year ago

did i do something wrong?

bomabomaboma commented 1 year ago

did i do something wrong?

The issues Xenia has with Sonic Unleashed are well-known. This is not the correct place to report on game compatibility, that is reserved for https://github.com/xenia-project/game-compatibility/issues

ZaHando69 commented 1 year ago

Oh sorry for bothering you

Darkhost1999 commented 1 year ago

None of this is supposed to be against you in any way. The issues created here are for emulator issues not emulation issues as emulation issues go https://github.com/xenia-project/game-compatibility/issues

If you know how to debug what the emulator is doing that is wrong and inform us about the function, the output, the intended function, and the intended output we would love to revisit this issue and see if we can maybe even solve the problem.

If you don't know how to debug the issue we would absolutely love and appreciate obtaining updates for all of your games over https://github.com/xenia-project/game-compatibility/issues I most certainly want to learn about recent information over there instead of anything that's older than 3 months since the last update.