xenodium / chatgpt-shell

ChatGPT and DALL-E Emacs shells + Org babel 🦄 + a shell maker for other providers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Saying no to suggested change from `chatgpt-shell-quick-modify-region` leads to new “ChatGPT Buffer! Kill anyway? (y or n)” prompt #234

Closed ehamberg closed 5 days ago

ehamberg commented 5 days ago

When using SPC chatgpt-shell-quick-modify-region, If I say no to “Keep change?”, I get another prompt: “ChatGPT Buffer! Kill anyway? (y or n)”



doom/info generated Oct 16, 2024 14:45:58 system MacOS 14.7 Darwin 23.6.0 arm64 mac emacs 29.1 EMACSDIR=~/.config/emacs/ EMACS=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-mac/emacs-29.1-mac-10.0/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs doom 3.0.0-pre PROFILE=_@0 HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD 8b9168de6 2024-10-03 02:26:28 -0400 ~/.config/doom/ shell /etc/profiles/per-user/$USER/bin/zsh features ACL GMP GNUTLS JSON LIBXML2 MODULES NATIVE_COMP NOTIFY KQUEUE PDUMPER SQLITE3 THREADS TOOLKIT_SCROLL_BARS TREE_SITTER XIM ZLIB traits gui server-running envvar-file custom-file custom connection-local-criteria-alist connection-local-profile-alist vc-annotate-very-old-color vc-annotate-color-map vc-annotate-background pdf-view-midnight-colors objed-cursor-color jdee-db-spec-breakpoint-face-colors jdee-db-requested-breakpoint-face-colors jdee-db-active-breakpoint-face-colors fci-rule-color ansi-color-names-vector ansi-color-faces-vector modules :config use-package :completion (corfu +orderless +icons) (vertico +icons) :ui doom doom-dashboard hl-todo ligatures modeline nav-flash ophints (popup +defaults) (treemacs +lsp) (vc-gutter +pretty) vi-tilde-fringe (window-select +numbers) workspaces :editor (evil +everywhere) file-templates fold (format +onsave) multiple-cursors snippets :emacs dired electric undo vc :term vterm :checkers syntax (spell +flyspell +hunspell +everywhere) :tools ansible (debugger +lsp) direnv docker editorconfig (eval +overlay) lookup (lsp +peek) (magit +forge) terraform tree-sitter :os macos :lang (elixir +lsp) emacs-lisp (erlang +lsp +tree-sitter) (haskell +lsp +tree-sitter) idris json (javascript +lsp +tree-sitter) markdown nix (org +pretty) purescript (rest +jq) (rust +lsp +tree-sitter) sh swift web (yaml +tree-sitter) :config (default +bindings +smartparens) packages (gleam-mode :recipe (:host github :repo gleam-lang/gleam-mode)) (obsidian) (polymode) (kagi :recipe (:host codeberg :repo bram85/kagi.el)) (magit-todos) (ellama) (ultra-scroll-mac :recipe (:host github :repo jdtsmith/ultra-scroll-mac)) (claude-shell :recipe (:host github :repo arminfriedl/claude-shell :files (claude-shell.el claude-shell-fontifier.el))) (lean4-mode :recipe (:host github :repo leanprover/lean4-mode :files (*.el data))) (sqlite-mode-extras) (sqitch-mode :recipe (:host github :repo christophermaier/sqitch-for-emacs :files (sqitch-mode.el sqitch-plan-mode.el))) (copilot-chat :recipe (:host github :repo chep/copilot-chat.el :files (*.el))) (eat :recipe (:host codeberg :repo akib/emacs-eat :files (*.el (term term/*.el) *.texi *.ti (terminfo/e terminfo/e/*) (terminfo/65 terminfo/65/*) (integration integration/*) (:exclude .dir-locals.el *-tests.el)))) (auto-dark) (ts :pin 552936017cfdec89f7fc20c254ae6b37c3f22c5b) (projectile-git-autofetch :pin 423ed5fa6508c4edc0a837bb585c7e77e99876be) (xref :pin a82f459b37b31546bf274388baf8aca79e9c30d9) (mastodon) (org-present :pin 4ec04e1b77dea76d7c30066ccf3200d2e0b7bee9) (visual-fill-column :pin 695a59789209c42fa08a5bce92963ee32f4455be) (himalaya-emacs :recipe (:host github :repo dantecatalfamo/himalaya-emacs)) (idris2-mode :recipe (:host github :repo idris-community/idris2-mode)) (chatgpt-shell :recipe (:host github :repo xenodium/chatgpt-shell :files (*.el))) (magit-delta :pin 5fc7dbddcfacfe46d3fd876172ad02a9ab6ac616) (avk-emacs-themes) (kaolin-themes) (melancholy-theme) (solarized-theme) (gruvbox-theme) (flatui-theme) (apropospriate-theme) (lab-themes) (catppuccin-theme) (doom-moonfly-theme :recipe (:host github :repo stackmystack/doom-moonfly-theme)) (copilot :recipe (:host github :repo copilot-emacs/copilot.el :files (*.el dist))) (evil-matchit) (inheritenv) (prettier-js) (dash-at-point) (string-inflection) (ormolu) (csv-mode) (golden-ratio) unpin doom-themes
xenodium commented 5 days ago

Try v1.14.2. Hopefully that fixes it for you.

ehamberg commented 5 days ago

It did! Thanks!