xenoinc / ToolsHub

Desktop productivity with "not your average quick launcher" plus Pomodoro Timer! 🍅 by Xeno Innovations, built using Mono.Addins. Coming soon is the sidebar desktop dock similar to RocketDock or ObjectDock
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[addin] [afk] Create Away From Keyboard add-in #81

Open DamianSuess opened 5 years ago

DamianSuess commented 5 years ago

As a user, I want the Away From Keyboard (AFK) mini-app to be incorporated as an add-in. This app makes sure your screensaver doesn't activate and simulates you being at the keyboard


DamianSuess commented 5 years ago

Already created a standalone test app. Ready to make it an add-in. However, should it be downloadable content or a pre-installed utility?