xenomachina / kotlin-argparser

Easy to use and concise yet powerful and robust command line argument parsing for Kotlin
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Readme example does not work #60

Open engelkes-finstreet opened 6 years ago

engelkes-finstreet commented 6 years ago

Currently I try to use kotlin-argparser in one of my projects. Unfortunately even a simple example throws an error.

class MyArgs(parser: ArgParser) { val test by parser.flagging("-t", "--test", help = "Test") }

fun main(args: Array<String>) = mainBody { ArgParser(args).parseInto(::MyArgs).run { println("Hello, ${test}!") } }

In IntelliJ I set the program argument to i but I get the error unrecognized option '-t' After debugging I found that in the method parseShortOpt the shortOptionDelegates only contains the help delegate.

Does anybody have a solution for this?

xenomachina commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this problem.

I tried replacing the contents of kotlin-argparser-example's Main.kt (except for imports and package statement) with your code, and it functioned correctly:

$ ./gradlew installDist

4 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 3 up-to-date
$ build/install/kotlin-argparser-example/bin/kotlin-argparser-example --help
usage: build/install/kotlin-argparser-example/bin/kotlin-argparser-example
         [-h] [-t]

optional arguments:
  -h,      show this help message and exit

  -t,      Test

$ build/install/kotlin-argparser-example/bin/kotlin-argparser-example 
Hello, false!
$ build/install/kotlin-argparser-example/bin/kotlin-argparser-example -t
Hello, true!

What do you mean by "In IntelliJ I set the program argument to i"? What is "i"?

engelkes-finstreet commented 6 years ago

Sorry for not being clear with IntelliJ. In IntelliJ you can set your run configuration and edit VM options and Program Arguments with which the application should start. Setting the Program Argument to -t gives the error described above.

xenomachina commented 6 years ago

Have you tried running it from the command line?