xenon-middleware / xenon-cli

Perform files and jobs operations with Xenon library from command line
Apache License 2.0
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What's the meaning of CANCELLED by [N] in the job status? #69

Closed arnikz closed 4 years ago

arnikz commented 4 years ago

I've submitted 109 jobs but many got cancelled. Any ideas what is the meaning of CANCELLED by 200 in the 3rd column?

$ xenon scheduler slurm --location local:// list --identifier 7267732
Job identifier  Name    State   Running Done    Error   Exit code       Information
7267732 smk     CANCELLED by 200        false   true    slurm adaptor: Job cancelled by 200     0       {Partition=normal, Comment=, DerivedExitCode=0:0, User=akuzniar, Start=2019-12-02T09:49:53, Priority=8095, NTasks=, ExitCode=0:0, JobName=smk.delly_p, State=CANCELLED by 200, Elapsed=00:00:01, Submit=2019-12-02T09:49:50, End=2019-12-02T09:49:54, NNodes=1, AllocCPUS=24, Suspended=00:00:00, Timelimit=00:01:00, JobID=7267732}
arnikz commented 4 years ago

The number comes from:

$ id 200
uid=200(slurm) gid=200(slurm) groups=200(slurm)