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Request to this.path failed with status code 403 #733

Open narayan-khanna opened 1 month ago

narayan-khanna commented 1 month ago

System Info

throw new Error("Request to " + this.path + " failed with status code " + ^

Error: Request to https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/tfjs-model/universal-sentence-encoder-lite/1/default/1/model.json?tfjs-format=file failed with status code 403. Please verify this URL points to the model JSON of the model to load.



throw new Error("Request to " + this.path + " failed with status code " + ^

Error: Request to https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/tfjs-model/universal-sentence-encoder-lite/1/default/1/model.json?tfjs-format=file failed with status code 403. Please verify this URL points to the model JSON of the model to load.


@tensorflow-models/universal-sentence-encoder": "^1.3.3",

import * as sentenceEncoder from "@tensorflow-models/universal-sentence-encoder";

const modelPromise = sentenceEncoder.load()