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How to point to a specific model path in order to use compressed models? (brotli) #776

Open KamilCSPS opened 1 month ago

KamilCSPS commented 1 month ago



I just can't find the configuration to point to a specific model file path to use .onnx.br instead of .onnx for example.

I can run the model (distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad) offline without any issue and it works. But I want to deploy it compressed using brotli. All I can see in the config files is references to the folder of the model but not the actual file paths.

E.g "model_quantized.onnx"

Any help is appreciated.

Th3G33k commented 1 month ago

You can change the filename prefix "model". The suffix is hard coded.

// will fetch model_br_quantized.onnx, using latest main / v3 branch
await pipeline('feature-extraction', 'Xenova/all-MiniLM-L6-v2', {model_file_name: 'model_br'})

Another workaround would be: download a compressed models, decompress it, and cache the decompressed models, using path "model_quantized.onnx"