Closed imadBelaroussi closed 3 years ago
Need more clarification on this bug - could you provide the IFC file?
I have an Angular/Spring application which does the conversion of the IFC and which uses the xkt to display it to the viewer, locally (windows 10) works normally, but the server (linux ubento) cannot fill in the metaObject. when i check where the problem is, then it is the EntityIDs list does not match the mockup items
EntityIDs in windows:
EntityIDs in linux:
viewer in windows:
viewer in linux:
I'm not able to reproduce this bug given the information provided.
i have the same problem, any solution please ?
error on the EntityIDs retrieval, it retrieves "product -..., product -..." which does not exist on my IFC, suddenly the metaObject list will be empty. (this bug is on Linux that's all)