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Dealing with search engines #4

Open shatgupt opened 10 years ago

shatgupt commented 10 years ago

How to get around search engines without pre-rendering the content?

shatgupt commented 10 years ago

Sorry I just saw you have already mentioned "better search engine indexing". Can you please explain how does it work?

xeoncross commented 10 years ago

Search engines should actually have an easier time with this system because all the junk that might be mistaken for content (navigation, advertisements, etc...) doesn't exist and just the plain page content is included.

However, the main problem is that links can't be followed because they are in markdown format. However, if anyone else on the internet likes your articles and links to them then the problem is solved.

You could also put an invisible HTML link in index.html to footer.html since it includes links to all the pages.

alexbalchin commented 10 years ago

Any consideration with Meta and author information? May hurt SEO for blogs. Probably not a major concern so early for a project, but worth a mention.

xeoncross commented 10 years ago

Search engines really don't care what you say in the meta tags. The only thing that matters is what others say about you. However, open graph tags and other non-SEO meta tags are on the todo list since API's like facebook need them on some sites.

Then again, the OG tags are mostly for larger sites - not personal blogs.

frnco commented 10 years ago

Yeah, but this could evolve into an amazing templating system for bigger sites, so I do believe it's useful to be concerned about OG and such.