xeoncross / jr

Jr. the static, static javascript site generator (you should see this)
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Production version? #7

Open jimaek opened 10 years ago

jimaek commented 10 years ago

I see that jr.js is hardcoded for your demo. Any chance you can release a "production" library version that everybody will be able to include in their website and add the rest of the code specific to their website in a seperate js or inside <script> tags?

xeoncross commented 10 years ago

The whole idea is that you download the jr.js and showdown.js files and upload them to your own server. However, perhaps we could setup a combined javascript file that people could use on a CDN without needing to download/upload those two files to their own server.

jimaek commented 10 years ago

Yup, thats why I am asking. I wanted to add your project to OSSCDN Can you provide an official version for this? I dont want to modify your code and then host it under your name.