xepozz / symfony-temporal-demo

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[CHORE]: Readme inaccuracies #1

Closed rustatian closed 2 years ago

rustatian commented 2 years ago

In the installation section mentioned, that -d is the debug mode for the RR. That's not true for the RRv2. This flag runs a profiling server which can be used to profile a Go application. The debug log level can be specified via the configuration: https://github.com/roadrunner-server/roadrunner/blob/master/.rr.yaml#L78

xepozz commented 2 years ago

@rustatian thanks, but rr --help told me it means still debug mode.

xepozz@Dmitris-MacBook-Pro symfony-temporal-demo % ./rr --help
High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager

  rr [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  reset       Reset workers of all or specific RoadRunner service
  serve       Start RoadRunner server
  stop        Stop RoadRunner server
  workers     Show information about active RoadRunner workers

  -w, --WorkDir string         working directory
  -c, --config string          config file (default ".rr.yaml")
  -d, --debug                  debug mode
      --dotenv string          dotenv file [$DOTENV_PATH]
  -f, --force                  force stop
  -h, --help                   help for rr
  -o, --override stringArray   override config value (dot.notation=value)
  -p, --pid                    create a .pid file
  -s, --silent                 print startup message
  -v, --version                version for rr

Use "rr [command] --help" for more information about a command.
xepozz@Dmitris-MacBook-Pro symfony-temporal-demo % ./rr --version
rr version 2.10.7 (build time: 2022-07-14T09:02:29+0000, go1.18.3), OS: darwin, arch: arm64
rustatian commented 2 years ago

It's not the same as it was in the RRv1. As I mentioned, -d turns on the pprof (debug) server, which is unrelated to the logger.

rustatian commented 2 years ago

It would be best if you did not use this mode unless you're profiling your custom plugin or RoadRunner. With this flag, the performance drop down in some cases would be huge.

xepozz commented 2 years ago

Got you. Thanks!