xerions / phoenix_swagger

Swagger integration to Phoenix framework
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Incompatibility with Elixir 1.14.0-rc.0: `|>` operator error in `swagger_path` macro #295

Open leonardanyer opened 1 month ago

leonardanyer commented 1 month ago

Problem Description:

When attempting to start a project that uses phoenix_swagger with Elixir 1.14.0-rc.0, an error occurs related to the usage of the |> operator within the swagger_path macro. This error is caused by a change in the behavior of the |> operator in the new Elixir version.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set up a Phoenix project that uses phoenix_swagger.
  2. Update Elixir to version 1.14.0-rc.0.
  3. Attempt to start the project with mix phx.server.

Expected Behavior:

The project should start without errors.

Observed Behavior:

The compiler raises the following error:

** (ArgumentError) cannot pipe %PhoenixSwagger.Path.PathObject{} into get("/users") |> description("List blog posts") |> response(200, "Success"), the :|> operator can only take two arguments (elixir 1.14.0-rc.0) lib/macro.ex:323: Macro.pipe/3 (elixir 1.14.0-rc.0) expanding macro: Kernel.|>/2


Possible Solution:

The issue can be resolved by modifying the swagger_path macro to avoid the incorrect use of the |> operator. Here's the proposed implementation:

defmacro swagger_path(action, [do: {:__block__, _, block_exprs}]) do
  fun_name = "swagger_path_#{action}" |> String.to_atom
  body = Enum.reduce(block_exprs, quote do %PhoenixSwagger.Path.PathObject{} end, fn expr, acc ->
    quote do
      |> unquote(expr)

  quote do
    def unquote(fun_name)(route) do
      import PhoenixSwagger.Path

      |> PhoenixSwagger.ensure_operation_id(__MODULE__, unquote(action))
      |> PhoenixSwagger.ensure_tag(__MODULE__)
      |> PhoenixSwagger.ensure_verb_and_path(route)
      |> PhoenixSwagger.Path.nest()
      |> PhoenixSwagger.to_json()